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Chapter 24


I woke up suddenly the next morning, not knowing where I was at first. I was alone on the couch. I had a soft blanket wrapped around me and a pillow under my head. Remembering where I was, I sat up and stretched. I must have slept hard to not notice Damon getting up, that wasn’t like me. I guess I had fallen asleep during the movie. I tried to remember if I had done anything embarrassing but all I could remember was being snuggled up to him watching the movie. Looking around I tried to see if Damon was nearby. I could smell coffee going and something baking in the oven as well. As I moved to get off the couch I saw a handwritten note on the coffee table.

Eva, I had to run to team lift this morning and you looked so beautiful and peaceful sleeping there I didn’t want to wake you up. Last night was one of the best nights of my life, I can’t wait to do it again. I left you a surprise on the kitchen counter. You have to accept it or you’ll break my heart.


I reread the note several times, going over every possible meaning in my head. He thought last night was one of the best nights of his life? It had definitely been one of mine. Stretching my arms, I stood up to walk over to the kitchen and see what he had left me. I noticed there was a covered dish with a cup of coffee from Leslie’s on the counter. Thinking that was the present, I walked over to it to start eating.

As I reached for the coffee I saw a white iPhone box laying on the counter with a note on it with my name. He had bought me a freaking phone. I did a happy dance and went to open it up. Inside there was a gorgeous rose gold colored phone in a marble case. It was the most amazing present I had ever gotten. I hadn’t wanted to accept a phone when Eric offered, but for some reason it felt different with Damon.

“Probably because you’re falling love with him,” a snarky voice said in my subconscious. I wasn’t going to admit that to myself yet. I picked up the phone and turned it on. Damon had put his number in it along with several other numbers he had labeled ‘Garage Code’, ‘Elevator Code’, etc. Had he really given me the passwords to his whole apartment? That had to be good, right?

Setting the phone down I lifted the lid to the covered dish and saw French toast and eggs with a side of berries underneath it. It smelled heavenly. I began to eat, playing with my phone and looking at all of the apps he had downloaded on it while I did. I decided to text Damon.

“Thank you for my phone. It’s the most amazing present I’ve ever been given,” I texted him. A few seconds later he sent a response.

“It was my pleasure. Now I can call you whenever I want,” he wrote.

Before I could respond he sent another text.

“Are you still at my house? If so, you should stay all day. I’ll be home soon and we can spend the day together.”

I was about to respond yes when I remembered that the concert was this afternoon and evening. Looking at my phone I realized I only had two hours before I had to go and meet the team to get ready together. I texted him that I had a team obligation I had to go to, and he sent a frowny face.

“Text me,” he wrote.

Smiling to myself I finished eating and went downstairs where Shelton was waiting to take me back to campus.

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