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Chapter 22

After changing in the bathroom into a pair of silky black shorts and a white lacey blouse I had picked up at a boutique I had found near campus, I walked back into my room where Damon was waiting for me. He was looking around my room with interest, it was his first time coming inside. I had bought a few black and white prints of cities I wanted to visit for my walls and had strung twinkly lights around the top of the room. Damon had brought me some bright pink flowers after he had caught me staring at them when we passed a flower shop on one of our runs. I had put them in a colorful, little glass vase on my desk. My room was simple but I loved that it was mine and that I had bought the decorations myself.

“I like your room,” he remarked, seeming genuine.

I blushed. I was sure he was used to luxury I couldn’t comprehend and that my room looked like a little kid’s room. “I like it too,” I answered. He smirked at me. I was obviously being awkward again.

“Where are we going to eat?” I asked him.

“It’s a surprise,” he answered, grabbing my hand again as we walked outside.

There were a lot of students walking around campus, heading to dinner I presumed. I had grabbed a few meals at the dining halls but since I didn’t have anyone to sit with, and it seemed like I got a lot of stares, I had started to grab dinner to go so I could eat by myself in my room. The food was a lot better than anything I was used to.

When we got to the gates of the college, Damon’s driver, Shelton was waiting with a gorgeous black car that I presumed was super expensive. Damon had refused to tell me the name of it knowing I would look it up and probably freak out over the price. I had met Shelton a few days before when Damon had wanted to take me to a lunch that was across town. He was such a sweetheart. Shelton rushed to open the door for us as we approached the car.

“Good evening, Eva,” he said. “Such a pleasure to see you again.”

“What about me old man,” said Damon, laughing.

Shelton winked at him, “I’m sorry, but you just aren’t as pretty as this little lady here, and I’ve begun to not even notice you when she’s around.” Damon laughed.

“I can’t argue with that. There isn’t anyone as pretty as our girl,” Damon said.

Did he just say “our girl”? I chose to ignore the statement. I wish I had some idea about relationships so that I knew what to say or do.

Damon took me to a sushi restaurant. He pointed out several celebrities that were eating there as well and laughed at me when I hadn’t heard of any of them. I had never tried sushi before but since Damon seemed to order the entire menu I had a lot to choose from. The wait staff fawned over us continually. They brought complimentary champagne over, not bothering to check my ID. It was also my first time trying champagne and I quickly decided that it wouldn’t be the last. By the time we left the restaurant I was slightly tipsy and had let go of my inhibitions enough to lean against Damon and feel comfortable holding his hand. We stood outside the restaurant, waiting for Shelton.

“Will you come back to my place to watch a movie?” Damon asked. “I promise to be on my best behavior,” he said, grinning when he saw my hesitance.

I didn’t want the evening to end. It had been so perfect. “Ok, I would like that,” I answered shyly.

He picked me up and swung me around, pulling me close. “Thank you,” he said fervently.

After a short car ride in which we talked about the different sushi we had tried with Shelton, he pulled into a parking garage that was full of shiny, expensive looking cars, trucks, and motorcycles. “These cars are amazing,” I stated, staring in amazement at the vehicles. “Your neighbors have quite the taste in vehicles.”

Shelton began to say something but Damon quickly cut him off steering me over to the elevator. Shelton got off the elevator, telling us to let him know when I needed a ride home.

We rode up a few more floors. As the elevator opened I gasped in amazement. I knew Damon was wealthy, but this kind of wealth was beyond my comprehension. Damon’s apartment was huge and I assumed it had to take up the whole floor. The floors were made of black marble flecked with silver and the walls were a bright white. The elevators led out into a huge room where a few black leather couches were strewn elegantly around an enormous flat screen tv on the wall. I could see a few pool tables and a bar in a room beyond the living room. A gourmet kitchen with black cabinets and white stone countertops extended off to my right. There was an island and a bar where black leather barstools sat. The appliances all looked like something from a space age.

The living room had floor to ceiling windows where I could see out to Central Park. I could see more rooms down various hallways. I turned to look at Damon. “This is the most incredible place I’ve ever seen,” I gushed.

“You like it?” he asked almost shyly, searching my face.

“I love it, I can’t believe you get to live here,” I exclaimed.

“I want you to feel comfortable here,” he said. “I hope that you will spend a lot of time here,” he said seriously.

I didn’t know what to say to that. Damn my awkwardness. He grabbed my hand, pulling me towards one of the couches. There was a glass coffee table in front of the couches. It was filled with an assortment of drinks, snacks, and candy that I assumed someone had set out in preparation for us to arrive.

“What movie do you want to watch,” he asked.

“You pick,” I quickly told him. I hadn’t had a chance to look up movies I wanted to see yet, and didn’t want to see his look when he found out that I hadn’t really ever seen any movies beyond the one we had seen in the theatres a few days ago.

“We can watch my buddy Beckham’s newest one,” he said, grabbing a remote and scanning through what looked like thousands of movies.

I wonder if he meant Beckham Stone. I didn’t want to mention that I had been stalking his pictures and had seen him with his friends. Finding the movie he wanted, he grabbed a blanket and placed it over us, pulling me in close to him. I didn’t see how it was possible for me to be able to concentrate on the movie being this close to him.

Turns out it wasn’t hard to concentrate on the movie. Beckham Stone was stunning. He rivaled Damon in hotness for sure. He resembled what I imagined the Greek god Apollo, the sun god, would have looked like if he had been real. He had blonde hair that was filled with golden highlights, and bright blue eyes that reminded me of the clear blue water I had seen in pictures of famous beaches. His skin was golden and he had gleaming white teeth that regularly showed themselves when he flashed his dreamy smile.

I began to overheat, my mind wandering into what it would be like to have both Damon and Beckham in the same room…or both touching me. I realized quickly that Beckham Stone wasn’t just a pretty face. He also was an amazing actor. I found myself tearing up multiple times, much to Damon’s amusement, at various parts of the movie. I even clapped a little when it ended, so overcome by how remarkable the movie had been. We decided to put on another movie, unfortunately this one not featuring Beckham. Halfway through the movie I felt myself nod off. Drifting into dreamland I snuggled into Damon’s shoulder, feeling the safest I had ever felt.

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