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Chapter 21

I soon learned that Selena, the dark haired witch, was the team captain. As we ended practice the girls gathered around her. Selena stood in the middle with a clipboard and began to make announcements.

“Don’t forget ladies that next Friday is the football banquet. Do not get super drunk and embarrass our squad. Remember Mary from two years ago. In case any of you have forgotten, or are new, let me just remind you that getting double teamed in the middle of the after party would count as embarrassing the squad,” she said with a smirk.

I choked on the water I had been drinking. What kind of party were they talking about?

“Also, don’t forget that my father got us amazing seats for ‘The Riot’ concert on Saturday night. We will be all getting ready to go together starting at 5 and then my daddy has cars that will be picking us up.” Scanning down the clipboard she continued, “I think that’s everything, you’re all dismissed.” Focusing her attention on me she snapped, “New girl, you’re responsible for picking up all of the equipment and putting it away.”

Not wanting to start any trouble I started gathering up water bottles, pom-poms, and other various items to go back in the team’s supply closet. Leaning down to pick something up I felt someone leaning over me. Looking up I saw it was Eric’s redhead.

“Listen little bitch, if you want to survive on this team I suggest you fall in line,” she said. “Eric’s mine and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay away.”

I stared at her in disgust. “Eric is just a friend, but even if he wasn’t, I’m not the kind of girl that you can threaten,” I snapped back at her. I glared at her, holding her eyes until she looked away. Giving me one last evil look she huffed and walked away. Maybe cheerleading was not such a good idea after all I groaned to myself.

I bent to pick up more things and again felt someone approaching. “Look, I’m not putting up with anymore shit,”

I cursed, standing up quickly. It was Damon. He looked amused.

“Rough practice baby?” he said softly.

I melted. It was the first time he had called me baby, and it was one of the best things I had ever heard.

“You could say that,” I said wryly. He put his arm around me and pulled me towards him. He had obviously just gotten out of the shower. His hair was still wet and slicked back and he smelled like a mix of cinnamon and sandalwood. His skin was sun-kissed, making his green eyes stand out even more. I couldn’t help sighing as I leaned into him.

“Can I take you to dinner to make up for forcing you onto the team,” he asked sweetly.

My walls were being crushed to pieces. It was impossible to maintain distance from him when everything he did or said was so caring and perfect.

“I would like that,” I answered. He kissed my forehead.

“I’ll walk you to your dorm to grab your stuff and then we can leave.” As we walked he grabbed my hand.

The lines were becoming so blurred. It definitely felt like we had passed the friend zone, but I hadn’t ever really had a guy friend before, not to mention a boyfriend. Maybe this was what nice guys did? As we walked out the gate I saw Eric waiting for me. He gave me a cold stare like I had betrayed him, then turned and walked away. I couldn’t muster up the effort to call after him. Everything he was doing was pushing me away. Damon saw Eric but chose to say nothing. I appreciated that he wasn’t trying to question me on it. I knew they had some sort of rivalry going on, but it was obvious that Damon was much better at the game than Eric was.

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