Page 68 of Merciless Heir

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Another thrust of his erection to drive the point home, as the blade sinks into my flesh. I know this will be my last breath unless I strike now. Crocodile tears spring readily to my eyes, offering him the fear and panic that he craves.

“Please, don’t hurt me,” I beg, my voice comically desperate. “I never meant to make you mad. What can I do to make it up to you?”

He snarls, anger rippling from him. But also lust. When he pauses, I strike like a rattlesnake, my right hand pushing the knife away from my throat, as I knee him hard in the groin. When he’s doubled over hissing in pain, I follow-up with another kick to his face and twist the knife out of his hand. He scrambles after me, grabbing onto my leg, but I don’t give him time to do any more damage. With a tortured cry, I plunge the knife into the back of his neck, quickly pulling the blade out and plunging it in again and again. He releases a sickening gurgling sound and falls to the floor.

Never in my life could I imagine I would kill a man without thinking twice, but the proof of my actions lies in a pool of blood in front of me, twitching as his life slowly leaks out of him.

Shock nearly brings me to my knees, but I don’t have time to freak out over the fact that I’m in a jammed freight elevator with two dead men that I single-handedly killed.

I have bigger problems. Much bigger problems.

The man I love might be hurt, or worse, and I may be the only one who can save him.

At that moment, I hear a commotion below and the elevator restarts its slow journey downward. The disturbance must have alerted the guards.

Retrieving Rodrigo’s gun off the floor, I shove it down the front of my pants and lower my baggy hoodie over my body so the outline of the weapon isn’t visible. As soon as we hit the ground floor, the doors to the elevator open, and a mean-looking guard lunges for me.

“You little bitch, we’ve been waiting for you. Now you can answer Oleg.”


He’s playing right into my plan.



With every second that ticks by, Oleg’s irritation seems to increase a hundredfold, the air in the room thick with violence. His right-hand has been gone a really fucking long-time, and Oleg is antsy as shit, texting and calling his men, pacing the room and swearing when he gets no response.

Something has gone wrong, that much is clear.

Anxiety skitters down my spine. My brothers and I are cuffed with our hands behind our backs and forced against the wall as two of Oleg’s goons loom over us with guns. Kira remains at Oleg’s feet, hugging her knees, while Oleg barks commands at his men. She throws me an apologetic look, and I shake my head. She doesn’t need to apologize, not for this.

Kira is brave, I’ll give her that, but also reckless. Hard to fault her for something baked into her DNA.

A sharp cry rings through the air as a soldier roughly shoves Georgia into the room. Her hands are bound in front of her, and blood splatters her face.

A fresh wave of pain shoots through me. She’s the last person I wanted to pull into this nightmare.

Georgia’s gaze sweeps over the room—from the dead bodies on the ground, to Kira huddled by her father’s feet. Finally, her eyes collide with mine. Alarm, confusion, anger—so much expressed in those wolf-like eyes of hers. Her gaze is steady, and I subtly shake my head, letting her know that I’m unharmed. She blinks slowly—once, then twice. It’s a message, but I don’t know what she’s trying to tell me. Regardless, I hold still, waiting to see what she has planned.

“Ah, my little dove.” Oleg’s face lights up at her entrance.

The soldier leading Georgia towards Oleg speaks up. “She killed Kristian and Rodrigo. I found their bodies in the elevator.”

Oleg looks much more pleased than one should at this news. “My little Georgia! I always knew you had the killer instinct buried under that innocent virgin routine. Still, I’ll have to punish you for killing my best men. But don’t worry.” He winks. “I’ll make sure you have fun.”

She scowls at him, but otherwise doesn’t move a muscle.

Kira jumps up and grabs her father’s arm. “She has nothing to do with this. Please, just let her go. She shouldn’t even be here.”

“Shut-up.” Oleg slaps Kira across the face. She cries out and crumples to the ground, holding a hand to her face.

Georgia’s lips thin into a grim line.

“You motherfucker,” I snarl. “I will fucking hunt you down and kill you if it’s the last thing I do.” I get to my feet, but a soldier steps into my path, knocking me hard in the stomach with the butt of his rifle. The air whooshes out of my lungs and I dry heave when I hit the ground.

Oleg roars with laughter. “The last thing that you will do is rot away in my dungeon, your body flayed open. Maybe we’ll try feeding you your own liver. I don’t believe I’ve tried that before.”

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