Page 69 of Merciless Heir

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The glee in his tone confirms that nothing brings him greater pleasure than torture, but I’ll never give him the satisfaction of touching me or anyone else in the room, and I know my brothers feel the same. We are all primed and angry, waiting for the right moment to strike. Even if we die today, if Kira and Georgia survive, it’ll be worth it.

“Come closer, my dove.” Oleg waves Georgia forward, so she’s standing directly in front of him. My insides retreat as he reaches up a hand and trails his palm down Georgia’s cheek. She recoils at his touch, but that only seems to excite him, his eyes shining like onyx orbs.

“My beauty. I never imagined this is how we would meet again. Have the Kozlov devils been hiding you?” His voice is soft, almost sympathetic, but barely contained fury lies beneath the surface. “I hope not, I hope you haven’t been keeping company with thesepodonok, because if so…” He roughly grabs her chin, smearing the blood on her face grotesquely. “I’ll have to kill you, too. Well, not before I fuck you in every hole while your friends watch. Maybe my guards deserve a turn too, since you killed three of our own. Would you like that?”

“No, please no,” she whispers, in a voice barely above a whisper. She falls in on herself, sobs wracking her lithe frame. My body hums with the need to attack, and I prepare to spring up, but Leo stops me with a low-whistle. He’s watching Georgia, his eyes narrowed on something, something that holds his attention. I look to where Georgia is crumpled forward, and that’s when I see the glint of metal.

It happens lightning fast. Georgia pulls something from the front of her pants. A soft click is the only warning. Oleg’s mouth pulls back into a terrifying snarl as he registers what is about to happen, but she doesn’t give him time to cry out. Georgia holds a pistol between her bound hands and shoots Oleg square between the eyes.

Shock registers on his face even as the life is sucked out of him and he collapses, his expression frozen in a ghoulish death mask.

Before I can warn her, Oleg’s soldiers strike. A shot goes off, but she drops in time to avoid being hit. The problem is, it puts her in the line of fire of another guard, who kicks out a leg, his boot catching her face. There’s a sickening thud as her head flies back against the cold cement floor.

Everything around me slows down as I watch in horror.

“No.” My howls echo through the large space. In a flash, I’m on my feet running to her, tackling her assaulter like a linebacker with my full body-weight, before a piercing explosion causes the ground to tremble and shake. Acrid smoke fills my nose as debris flies through the air.

Yulian and my men have arrived.

* * *


Thwop thwop thwop.

A whirring sound like the spinning of helicopter blades fills my ears and pulls me from the sweet oblivion I am floating in.

And then something else. My name. A desperate plea on Andrei’s lips.

“Georgia. Georgia. Stay with me.”

Drawing in a labored breath, I struggle to open my eyes as splintering pain whips through me. But I push that aside to look up at Andrei, his face inches from my own as he cradles me in his arms. I want to tell him I’m okay. This will all be okay because he looks so distraught, but I can’t form words, my tongue thick and heavy in my mouth.

A jagged cut runs along his right cheek, and there’s dried blood around his nose, but it’s the intensity of his eyes that scares me. They shine with the intensity of a thousand suns.

“Don’t fucking die on me, baby, I need you. Do you hear me, krasotka?” His hands tighten on the nape of my neck, as if he can somehow force life back into me. “I love you. I’ll fucking die without you. Don’t leave me.”

His words reverberate through my skull, echoing in the distant recess of my mind.

Andrei loves me.

I want to tell him I love him too. That I’ll come back. I want to stay awake for him so badly; I want to be with him forever, but the darkness beckons, luring me into its sweet embrace. I can’t fight it anymore.

I stay underwater and melt into the void.



I stare at Georgia’s face in its tranquil state of unconsciousness and wonder what she’s dreaming of, what world she is in while I keep vigil by her bed. It’s been two days, two of the longest days of my life. She suffered a massive concussion when she bashed her head on the concrete floor, moments before my men blasted through part of the building’s wall.

The medically induced coma she is in is the only way to protect her brain from swelling. Right now she looks so vulnerable and helpless—the only sign of life is the shallow rise and fall of her chest—but she’s proved that she’s anything but weak. When put to the test, she was an absolute demon, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t proud of how hard she kicked-ass.

Not that I needed her to prove it. I knew what she was capable of the moment I met her. Maybe that’s what drew me to her.

My fierce girl with a kind heart had somehow turned my world inside out in the best possible way. She’s wrecked me, burrowed into my veins like no one else. I risked my kingdom for her, and would do it again. I’ll tell her this, if I ever see her awake again—if she can stand to see my face. I’ve only rained down a shit-storm on her.

The door to my bedroom opens and closes, but I don’t bother to look up. This room has been a revolving door of visitors—Natalia, my brothers, Yulian and Rowan and Georgia’s father, who we have moved on to the estate—have been constantly by her side.

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