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Chapter Seventeen



My phone is pressedto my ear as the line rings. Once. Twice.

“Hello.” His smooth voice comes across the line in the middle of the third ring.

I didn’t realize how much I missed that voice until this very second. The thought leaves me with a weird feeling in my stomach.

“Hey.” I clear my throat.

“Hey.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “I was wondering if I was going to hear from you.”

“Yeah, sorry I haven’t messaged you back over the last couple of days. Things have been hectic.” Truth be told, I’ve had ample opportunity to text him back or to call, but for whatever reason I’ve been putting it off.

“That’s okay. I completely understand. You’ve had a lot going on.” He pauses. “How’s your dad doing?”

“He’s doing good. Thank you for asking. He got to come home today.”

“That’s great news.”

“Yeah, it is,” I agree. “How’s everything there? Have I missed anything at work?”

“It’s been pretty quiet here. We had a retirement party for Robert yesterday. He was asking about you. I think he was a little bummed that you weren’t able to make it.”

“I didn’t realize that was this week.”

“Yeah, his last day is tomorrow.”

“It’s going to be weird without him around. And as much as I’m going to miss him, I’m not going to miss all the calorie filled pastries he brings in all the time. Maybe I’ll be able to cut my gym days down once he’s gone,” I joke.

“Or you can find more creative ways to exercise.” He chuckles.

“You’d like that too much.”

“You’re not wrong there.” Another pause. “When are you coming home? Life is dull without you here.”

“My flight is booked for Friday morning. I wanted to stay an extra day to help my mom around the house and stuff.”

“What time does your flight get in? Do you need a ride from the airport?”

“I think we’re scheduled to land around two in the afternoon. I was planning to catch an Uber home.”

“How about I pick you up instead?”

“Thank you for offering but you don’t have to do that. After the week I’ve had I just want to get home and curl up in my own bed for a while. I’ve barely slept this week.” I purposely avoid telling him that it’s not only worrying over my dad that has kept me up at night.

“Can I see you Friday evening after you’ve had time to get home and settled?”

I want to say yes. God, with every fiber of my being I want to say it, but being away from him this week has forced me to answer some questions that I’m not sure I like the answers to. I think I need to keep a little distance between us when I get back. Truth be told, I’ve realized that I like him a little more than I think I should. For a normal person that may not seem like an issue, but for me it’s a very,verybig problem.

I’ve avoided this type of complication in my life by keeping clear of situations like this and men like Harris. Now, I find myself smack dab in the center of the lion’s den and he’s already barring his teeth, preparing to feast.

When I agreed to this bet I didn’t think there was the slightest chance he would win. I thought he would turn out to be exactly who I thought he was. But the more time we spend together and the better I get to know him, the more surprised I am by him. And even though I want to believe it’s genuine, that I’m seeing the real Harris, there’s that tiny voice that keeps saying he’s toying with me in the back of my mind. I am just another woman in his long line of conquests.

Sleeping with him is one thing. Letting myself feel something for him is something else entirely.

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