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“I’m probably gonna go to bed early and hopefully sleep through the night.”

“Oh, okay. How about Saturday then?”

“I’m not really sure. Can I let you know after I’m home and I see how I feel?”

“Yeah, of course.” I can hear the disappointment in his voice and I instantly feel guilty.

“So what else is new?” I ask, eager to change the subject. Even though I’m the one that called him, after promising myself I wouldn’t, the last thing I want to do is talk about or even think about what happens when I get back.

“Nothing really. I found out Monday that Everett is planning a visit.”

“Your brother?”

“Yep. Apparently he’s flying in next Wednesday for five days.”

“That’s exciting. I bet you’re really looking forward to seeing him.”

“I am. It’s been months since the last time we saw each other. We talk on the phone a couple of times a week but it’s not the same.”

“Yeah, I know the feeling. I feel the same way when it comes to my parents.”

“I’d really like you to meet him while he’s here.”


“Do you not want to meet him?”

“No, it’s not that. Of course I’d love to meet him. I guess I’m just confused as to whyyouwould want him to meet me.”

“I think the more appropriate question would be why wouldn’t I want my brother to meet you?”

“I don’t know.” I pace around my parents’ guest bedroom. “It’s not like we’re going anywhere. There’s only two weeks left on the bet.”


“And then this, whatever this is, will be over.”

“It will only be over if I lose, which I don’t intend to do... again.” He says it with so much certainty that even I almost believe it.

“Harris,” I start, trying to push past the slow simmer of excitement that builds in my chest.

Don’t do it, Blue. You can’t go there...

“I like you, Blue, and I have no qualms about saying so. I think I’ve made my intentions pretty clear.”

Has he?

“Besides, what’s one dinner with my brother really going to hurt? Or are you afraid it might make you like me even more?”

“Why would meeting your brother make me like you more?”

“Because maybe then you’ll realize that the person I’ve shown you over the past two weeks is who I really am.”

“And how would meeting your brother prove that to me?”

“If I was even the slightest bit ungenuine in front of my brother, he would call me on it no matter who was around. He’s probably the most stand-up guy I know. Maybe if I can show you that I’m not putting on some front to win a bet, you’ll actually take me seriously.”

“I do take you seriously.”

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