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He must hear me enter because his eyes shoot up and a small wave of panic passes over his features when he sees me in the doorway.

Sensing his distraction, the girl turns, smiling when she sees me. “Hey Blue,” Lacie, who works downstairs in sales, greets me casually.

“Hey,” I croak out, the food I ate for lunch earlier seeming to push into my chest, threatening to come up. I take a hard swallow and head toward the vending machine, keeping my eyes focused forward.

My heart beats erratically and a sudden rush of anger washes over me. It catches me off guard and only intensifies the uneasy feeling settling deep in my stomach.

“So, then tonight?” Lacie goes back to whatever they were talking about like I’m not even here.

“Actually, I can’t. I have plans,” Harris responds, his voice tight.

“That’s what you said last week,” she whines.

I try to tune out the conversation as I feed my dollar into the soda machine, but the room is too small and our proximity is too close.

“Yeah, well.” Harris hesitates. “It’s just not a good time for me right now. I’ve got a lot going on.”

“I don’t get you. You’re hot. You’re cold. You want me. You don’t. We had fun at Putters a couple of weeks ago, didn’t we? If I remember right we had quite the team building experience.” Something about the way she says it tells me everything I need to know. He slept with her.

I cough. It’s completely involuntary.

He was with her the night of the team building outing. The night I blew him off and left with Bruce. It shouldn’t bother me. But it does. It really, really bothers me.

Why does it bother me?

I feel both sets of eyes looking at me but I keep my gaze forward as I punch in the code and watch my Diet Mountain Dew slide into the mechanical arm before being lowered into the dispenser. The door slides open and I quickly grab the bottle, eager to escape this room and whatever the hell I just walked in on.

I don’t wait to hear his response to her. Instead, I hightail it out of there like the room has suddenly burst into flames. I make it back to my desk in seconds, my breathing labored and my heart about to pound right out of my freaking chest.

What the hell?

Get it together, Blue.

“Blue,” I hear him behind me seconds later, hesitation in his tone.

Taking a deep breath, I plaster on the fakest smile I can muster and turn toward him.

“What’s up?” I ask casually, setting my soda on the edge of my desk.

“About that.” He hitches his thumb in the direction of the break room.

I hold my hand up to stop him. “No offense, but I really don’t care.” Lie. Lie.Lie. God, I’m such a liar.

“It’s not what you think.”

“So you and Lacie didn’t hook up two weeks ago?” I raise an eyebrow, fighting like hell to keep the jealous monster at bay.


I’m not jealous.

Oh god, I’m one hundred percent jealous.

“No. I mean, yes, we did. But that was before.”

“Before what?” I try to play stupid.

“Before us.”

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