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Chapter Eleven



It’s only been a weeksince I sat in that dim booth and made a deal with the devil. One week and already he’s made my life impossible. He’s everywhere. And I do meaneverywhere. In the last five days I’ve run into him at the grocery store, the little coffee shop by my apartment building, the gym (though that one I’ve come to expect), and even my favorite Chinese restaurant that I go to almost every Friday for lunch with Hannah. As if seeing him at work every time I turn around isn’t bad enough.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was stalking me. The only thing is, he seems just as surprised to see me as I am to see him. Even still, I’m not naive enough to believe it’s some sort of coincidence. Once maybe, but nearly everywhere I go? Definitely not.

“Hey, did you get your glove yet?” Hannah takes her normal seat on the edge of my desk, holding out her hand to inspect her perfectly manicured nails.

“My glove for what?”

“The company softball game, remember? We signed up like two months ago.”

“Shit.” I let out a low groan. “I completely forgot. When is that again?”

“In like two weeks. You can’t back out. I only signed up because you agreed to do it with me.”

“I’m not going to back out. I just forgot.” I run a hand through my waves.

Truth be told, the last thing I want to do is play softball. It’s a game I’ve never been very good at, and given that it’s in tandem with our company picnic, there’s a good chance that Harris will be there. Scratch that, I know he’ll be there as they close the office for the event. There’s no way he would miss a chance to make me sweat, metaphorically of course. It seems to be his new favorite pastime.

I’ve lost count of how many times he’s walked by my desk and whispered something insinuating or has blatantly checked me out just to see how I’ll react. If I wasn’t so damn turned on by it, I’d probably be pissed.

He’s getting to me. But not in the way he’s trying to. He’s crazy if he thinks I could ever love someone like him. Even if I was open to the possibility of love – which I’m not – loving someone like Harris Avery is asking for trouble. But physically, he’s getting to me. And even though I know I could find some hot guy to take my frustrations out on, it wouldn’t be the same. I want him. Plain and simple.

But I’m fighting it. I’m not even sure why at this point. Hannah’s right. What she’s been saying all week is spot on. The only way to beat him at his own game is to play on his level.

But what if that’s all he’s doing? Playing. What if he actually has no interest in me? I’d be humiliated if I threw myself at him and he turned me down. I think that’s my biggest hold up. I need him to be the one to make a move, but so far, other than the one kiss we shared at the Sox game, he hasn’t made one. Not physically anyway. And that’s what I need.

“Well, you better get a glove. Don’t wait until last minute and end up not being able to find one.” Hannah pulls me back to the conversation.

“I’m sure the sporting goods store has plenty.”

“You’re not getting out of this. Even if you have to play barehanded, your ass is playing,” she scolds me.

“Yes, Mom,” I deadpan. “Now if you’re about finished, I’m in need of a pick me up.” I push away from my desk, forcing Hannah to stand. “You want anything from the break room?”

“No, I’m good. I have a meeting in five minutes so I should probably head that way. Are you going to the gym after work?”

“Not today.” I shake my head.

“Gotta hot date or something?”

“No, I just don’t feel up to it today. I haven’t been sleeping well. So instead I’m buying a bottle of wine and curling up on my couch. You’re free to join.”

“That sounds like the perfect Friday evening to me. I have dinner with the fam, otherwise I’d join.”

“Well, if you finish early and want to come over, the offer stands.”

“Sounds good.” She starts to back away. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“K.” I offer her a half wave before heading in the direction of the break room.

I hear a woman’s laughter as I round the corner, but I’m completely unprepared for what comes into my line of sight when I enter the room.

Harris is leaning casually against the counter with a petite blonde pressed against him, her fingers tracing the side of his flexed jaw.

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