Page 25 of Steel Wolf

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The path to the junkyard had the weakest of glows as the solar lights’ power waned. The gate through the fence proved a dark spot that had my hand trembling as I reached to enter the combination to open it. I’d opted for keyless entry so that I wouldn’t be that stupid chick in the slasher flicks, who got killed because she dropped the key and couldn’t find it in the dark.

The door rattled a bit as I went through, bringing a wince. Had anyone heard? Would anyone take notice? When the wind whistled through the junkyard, metal had a tendency to creak. My entry might not sound out of place.

Tiptoeing in work boots proved difficult. It involved lifting my feet high enough where they wouldn’t scuff but also setting them down gently so as not to thud. There were no lights in this area. Not yet. I’d ordered a solar-powered string, but it hadn’t arrived yet. One-day delivery, my ass.

I aimed for the office, only to halt as the phone in my pocket vibrated.

Keeping the taser rod in one hand, I pulled out my phone to see that I’d received a new alert.Motion detected.The camera that’d spotted it being the one by the garage.

I headed over, moving more quickly with a target. I hesitated just outside the garage-side door, noticing that it wasn’t latched all the way. With the roll-down door closed, I had no idea what awaited as the lack of window meant no peeking inside.

My grip on the taser rod grew slippery with sweat. Better not be a hot flash. I kept my thumb on the trigger button for the electricity. Press, swing, and zap! Easy-peasy.

Tell that to the lump in my throat. I took a breath, then another, reminding myself that this was my place. Whoever lurked inside had no business being here.

Only as I kicked open the door did it occur to me that I should have dialed 9-1-1 first. Then, backup would be on its way, at least.

Instead, having already committed to confrontation, I stood framed in the opening, rod pointed outward, facing off against darkness as I yelled, “Don’t move, dirtbag!”

Not my best expletive. It didn’t receive a reply.

I held my breath as I listened, trying toseewith my ears. Pure silence met me.

My hand fumbled for the switch I knew to be to my left. As my fingers brushed the plastic-plated edge of it, something brushed past me, cold and startling enough that my hand spasmed as my arm dropped to my side. The rod hit my leg, and the next thing I knew, I lay on the floor, jiggling like a fried egg.


In good news,I didn’t piss myself. In other good news, whoever scared the fuck out of me didn’t come back to hurt me while I lay stunned on the floor.

World’s biggest idiot. I couldn’t believe I’d tased myself. At least, there didn’t seem to be any long-lasting damage. Eventually, when my muscles decided to belong to me again, I rose to my feet, groaning as I shook out my limbs. Everything appeared to be working okay. Although, I wondered if I’d end up with a white Frankenstein streak in my hair. It happened all the time in the movies.

This time, when my fingers brushed the switch, the light came on, showing my workshop just as I’d left it, albeit with the bike’s frame cleaner than I remembered. Could have sworn I still had lots of degreasing to do—so not important right now.

The strap for the taser pulled on my wrist, and I twisted my lips at the sight of it. So much for protecting myself. I tugged it off and lay it on my workbench. Only to grab it again a second later. Whoever had slammed into me might still be outside. The lights in the garage would render me sightless until my eyes adjusted to the darkness, giving the intruder an advantage if they’d stuck around.

Was it one of the tweakers from last week?

And how had they gotten into the garage without busting the lock? As I neared the door, I eyed the deadbolt. I’d locked it before leaving earlier. I didn’t recall seeing any damage when at the door. No one but I knew the combination or had the spare key. Had I failed to latch it properly?

I clutched the pepper spray in my hand as the rod once again dangled from my wrist. The moment I swung open the door, I sprayed wildly and covered my face with the crook of my arm in case of blowback.

When I didn’t hear screaming, I peeked and then blinked. For one, no intruder lurked outside. And, secondly, dawn crested.

Given the sun rose just before six, almost three hours had passed since I’d left the house to check on things. A long time. I must have passed out completely and not just been dazed from the taser.


Pity I didn’t feel more rested. Exhausted, I eyed my gates and thought…fuck it. My dog was very happy that I chose to spend the entire morning and the afternoon in bed.

I’d completely detached from the world when my doorbell rang. I ignored it. I was in no shape to answer. I wore the T-shirt and track pants I’d slept in. My hair hadn’t been brushed. I’d eaten Cheetos for a late lunch and had the orange fingers to prove it.

All to say, I’d forgotten that the detective was coming over.

Knock. Knock.“Allie?”

I heard his voice and froze. How could I have forgotten?

Blame the tasering. I rushed to the door and apologized as I turned the thumb bolt. “Sorry. Worked late. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable while I shower?”

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