Page 24 of Steel Wolf

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“What kind of dumb question is that?”

“The kind that you’re going to avoid because my dream version of you doesn’t have an answer.” I snorted. “This is so weird. I don’t know why I’m even thinking about you. We’ve never met. Never will.”

“What are you talking about? This is the second time I’ve found you on my property. And as I recall, didn’tyoukissme?”

“You can remember that but not where you went after you disappeared?”

“You’re the only one claiming I disappeared.” He remained close to me.

“Because it’s the truth.”

“Perhaps I need something to jar my memories.”

“Like what?”

“I’m thinking another kiss.”

“How is a kiss supposed to help? I’m not a part of your past.”

“No, but you seem tied to my present and future.” He whispered it against my lips as he bent to put them within range.

“I’m kind of seeing someone,” I huffed hotly, yet I didn’t move away.

“Have you fucked?” Hard emphasis on the consonant.

“Not yet.” And only because he’d gotten a cock-blocking call.

“Then you’re fair game,” he said before taking my lips.

And I mean hetookthem.

Lavished them with attention. Caressed and tugged, his tongue slipping and sliding. I ignited with desire and rubbed wantonly against him. Things might have gotten naked and quick if my phone hadn’t gone off, startling me awake.

As I lay there, wide-eyed and panting, my phone beeped again. A glance to the side showed an alert. Motion detected.

Someone was in the junkyard!


The numberone thing to do when your cameras tell you there is an intruder? Check the video. Because, at this point, I’d had several false alarms. Who knew I had so many raccoons using my yard as a shortcut? Skunks, too. The way my heart pounded, you’d have thought it predetermined that my alert would be more than just vermin.

The grainy black-and-white video had the night vision lens recording. It caught motion, a slide of shadow across the screen, big enough to be a person. There one second, gone the next. I checked the office camera. No alerts. Flipping it to live mode didn’t show anyone there. A glance through the app for more warnings came up empty. Only the single camera had caught anything.

The tip of my thumb met the gnawing flat edge of my teeth. Did I have enough to call the police? Even I wondered about what I’d seen. Perhaps it was simply a shadow with no actual person behind it.

I glanced at the clock. Three a.m. I could still get back to bed. I usually didn’t rise until at least six.

No point in bothering. I’d just toss and turn, awake, wondering if someone was in the junkyard. Sneaking up on my house. Making a fool of me again. Scaring me…

Some people reacted with terror by becoming even more scared. Me? I found myself getting pissed. How dare someone think it was okay to trespass on my property?

I wouldn’t be a victim. Not anymore. I armed myself with the taser rod. Not exactly a cattle prod, but it’d only cost me a hundred bucks. Turned out you could purchase anything online, even supposedly illegal stuff. Like my pepper spray. I’d gotten the super-burny, Cajun spice kind—or so the dude who’d dropped it off had claimed. He’d also said that he’d used it to season pork before barbecuing it. Personally, I’d hold off trying it on any meat hitting my lips.

My dog stayed in my bed, head under the covers. Poor thing, so terrified.

“I’ll protect you, baby.” I’d protect us both.

I had my phone tucked in my front pocket. I could still call 9-1-1 if it turned out to be an emergency. I didn’t want to be the hysterical lady who cried wolf.

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