Page 7 of Ranger

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There were two desks in his office and they each sat at a different one. Now they began to contact people and get things started. She worked through her list speedily and several things were completed. As that occurred, she marked them off her list and on the line underneath them she would write what was done, what was decided and what costs were involved. Toni looked up at Ranger and saw he was speeding through his list as well. It made her wonder if having a team on each project was really a good idea.

It was hard to say if Zaya was the only one that was slowing down progress. She was glad that Ranger was handling her because she really didn't want to. Her decision would be to find a way to get rid of her and ensure that she could not talk about anything that she had seen here. Ranger and upper management seemed to be afraid of something she might say. Toni couldn't imagine what that could possibly be

By the time they were done for the day, she felt very good about what she had accomplished, and Ranger had worked steadily, and she was sure he had done well too. Now she needed to go to her room and get ready, and before she went to meet Ranger she wanted to stop and see her brother. Ranger’s people had done much for him because they had literally saved his life and hers. It was still hard to figure out why they had done that, but she had noticed that he and all his people were extremely kind and tried to deal as fairly as possible with everyone they dealt with.

After she got ready, she stopped by to see her brother, but he was not there. Since it wasn't that early, she went on to Ranger’s place and found him there. He seemed a little disappointed that she had come early because he was setting up a surprise for her. She could smell the aroma of some wonderful food cooking, and somebody was setting up an extra-large TV so it would show a movie.

She thought that might be a wise decision because anywhere else they went people they worked with would probably see them. While this was not against the rules it might give other people the same bad outlook that Zaya had. That was not something she would ever want to encourage because dealing with Zaya was more than enough.

Chapter 3

Is This Love?

They sat down to watch the movie and he asked her to sit near him, so they ended up beside each other on the couch. It wasn't long before he had his arm around her, and she ended up leaning against his chest. It felt good to be sitting close like this. Ranger felt like he was making progress and hoped it would not take long before they were together and mated. He felt like he had finally made her see what his interest was and what he wanted from her.

While the movie was good when he was actually paying attention to it, he could explain a few parts but most of the time he had just been concentrating on her. She was his and his dragon was getting insistent and at some point, might take control and claim her whether she agreed or not. Just being by her felt so incredibly good. Ranger had never felt like this before and now it was the only way he wanted to feel.

Ranger had thought Toni beautiful from the moment he had seen her. He couldn't deny that he had been drawn to her and yet for some reason he didn't think she was his fated one. Yeah, he knew that sounded crazy. But maybe it hadn't heard that they had developed a friendship. Now that the friendship was established, they could take the next step and become a couple. He'd heard many humans say it was good to be friends first. That was something he was about to find out. There were many things about her that he admired, and she seemed to be smart and capable. That was just what she needed to be to help him with the job that they now had to do.

If he continued with his plan, he was confident that their relationship would continue to grow and eventually they would be the couple that he hoped them to be. When it came to work, there was some confusion about what to do with Zaya. Since there were few women on the home world and most of them were brought in with the fiancé already in mind, he had never dealt with anyone like Zaya. Ranger was however, having Zaya looked into. Even beyond her recent behavior there was something odd about her.

Maybe the investigators would figure it out. Zaya didn't seem to have any of the skills that she had put down on her application. She wasn't likable and she didn't know how to work with others. Everything that she had done since she come to his attention looked like an effort to stop anything from working out and create dissension in the groups. They could fire her for three months without even giving a reason. Why was she taking a chance like that?

Toni adjusted where she sat and brought his attention back to what he considered their first true date. He needed to learn to keep his mind on his one when he wasn't supposed to be working. Thinking of that female just put him in a bad mood. Maybe he was wrong, but he felt she had some purpose that would not be good for them that she was trying to carry out. Ranger also had a feeling that even though she wasn't nice to any women she had singled his Toni out to be extra vicious to.

He looked at his companion and realized she had fallen asleep. What should he do with her, he wasn't really sure. It was clear to him that today had taken a lot out of her. After he carried her to his spare room, he removed her shoes and covered her up with a blanket. His intention was to wake her up a little early so she could go through a room and get ready. Ranger had heard some humans had a hard time getting back to sleep if they were woke right after they fell asleep.

Was it true? Hell, he didn't know but he didn't want to take a chance because right now they were immersed in a heavy schedule trying to get their project well underway. They had the additional stress of dealing with an employee that was trying to cause trouble in any way they could. It was his hope he would find something out from the investigator, but there was a possibility that they might not since this was a new guy they not dealt with before.

He wasn't tired because dragons didn't require the kind of sleep that humans did. Ranger poured himself a stiff drink. In his living room, one of the walls looking outside was a solid window. He took a sip of his drink as he looked outside and saw the moon and wished he could fly beneath it. Now he just threw back his drank feeling it burn as it went down. There was no real effect by drinking it but he had decided there was little he could do right now and he would just go to bed in his room.

Ranger woke in the morning and hurried up to shower and get dressed. He called down an order for breakfast for two and then he went to wake her. She was very disoriented but after a few moments she remembered what they had been doing and realized she had fallen asleep.

“You should have woke me so I could go back to my room.” Toni observed.

“I wasn't sure if you got woke right away that you would be able to get back to sleep. You are up early enough that you will have time to get ready and still make it to our morning meeting. I ordered breakfast so if you'll take a shower by the time, you are clean breakfast will be here.”

“If someone sees me leaving your room in the hall, they might get the wrong idea.”

“Or they might get the right idea. I can have some clothing sent up or even have someone go to your room and bring you something to wear.” Ranger offered.

His Toni turned a beautiful shade of pink. “I know your people view these things in a different manner but in my country, it is frowned on to stay the night with a guy you work with especially if you have not developed any kind of relationship.”

He didn't understand some of these odd rules that some of her people applied to the relationships between males and females. Many did not follow any of those rules and he thought maybe the difference was it Toni cared what others thought too much.

“So, what do you want to do?”

“I suppose if they see me leaving here in last night's clothing that wouldn't be good either. Do you have someone you trust to handle this cautiously?” Toni asked.

Ranger called his PA and gave him instructions on how to handle this. His PA was a dragon, and the position was well paid. He had complete faith in him to do his ask and see it then without anyone else knowing about it. It was 10 minutes before the clothing came and by then Toni had taken her shower and she was wearing a robe well they ate breakfast.

As long as no one noticed that she had been here all night there should be nothing about this date to upset her. They finished eating breakfast and she went to change into her clothing. “Is this acceptable?” She asked.

Toni was wearing jeans and a T-shirt with tennis shoes. “It's perfect since we're going to be at the first park, and we may even have to get out and walk around a little bit.”

While they would be meeting their group this morning it wouldn't be breakfast, but snacks coffee, tea and assorted drinks would be there for them. He could feel Toni’s relief when she saw that Zaya was not there. Maybe she had been afraid that she had not been reassigned to the fencing group. as soon as they got there, and he counted his and it seemed everyone was where they should be.

“Let's discuss how everyone is doing and if there is anything they need help with.” Ranger began.

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