Page 5 of Ranger

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“I am.”

“Why don't we go now. Was there anything you needed to bring with you.”

“What are the conditions in the park and where are we going exactly?”

“We will mostly be driving and the folders that you have has blank pages so that you can write something in it if need be.” Ranger explained.

“Then I really don't need anything because we were told to wear casual clothing and I can go anywhere in this.”

She was glad that she had paid attention and not worn high heels or a dress like some of the other ladies had. Instead, she had worn something she could go hiking in if necessary because she'd had no idea what they were going to do after. Ranger was ever the gentleman and helped her out of her chair and then escorted her to his vehicle. It looked like some kind of Jeep, but there were no tires. That was the same way that the bus had run.

Ranger drove, after all it was his Jeep, they were in. It also seemed that he knew exactly where to go, and they drove about 30 minutes before they arrived. The land looked mostly unimproved. There was a small building with an office and two bathrooms and a kitchenette. It appeared that someone had started getting the fences put in, but they weren't anywhere near complete. There was something you could almost call a road in a few paths that may have been made by animals.

They didn't stop at the building, and they continued on to get a view of the park so they would be able to easily see it. There was what she would call a creek that they had just crossed and if it ran year around it would give the animals a place to drink. She noticed that some of the trees and other plant life were unfamiliar to her. She would need research to find out what some of these things were and she had even seen an animal or two that she couldn't identify. Toni saw that the animals disappear at the moment they came into view. either it was because they were unfamiliar with humans and their vehicles or maybe they were all too familiar because of the possible hunters.

It was beautiful but she imagined it got extremely hot and then hiking or camping out here would get uncomfortable. That didn't mean she wouldn't do it if it was required. Ranger had been right about her being to several parks but none of them looked like this. They all had heavily improved areas where people could buy food, buy gifts, and some even had places set-up where people could stay in relative comfort. Since there would be a lot of predators on this property, they needed to be careful about where people were allowed and what kind of protection they would have with them.

If they planned to put in any place where people could stay, it should be in a fenced off area with security. Predators and people with no protection and sometimes no sense did not go together.

“What kind of suggestions are you looking for?” Toni asked.

“There was a discussion when they did the original assessment on a park project, if any kind of lodging should be made available. What do you think of that?”

“That's funny because that was what I was just assessing. If lodging was to be put in, I believe it should be in a connected fenced off area with some protection like security guards in case somehow an animal got through. I know that's some kind of tour needs to be set-up, but I don't think that once you load the bus they should be allowed off until they get outside the park. In order to carry that out you will need some kind of bathroom facilities on the bus. This would also give the park an opportunity to make some money by carrying refreshments that can be purchased on the bus. The issue with both of those things is they will take up room reducing the number of riders the buses can carry.”

“Those are both really good points. Our buses get excellent fuel economy so that doesn't really matter but obviously the wear and tear would be greater. Nothing we need to put in our report because a report will be required after we return from this trip. We have already been approached by some popular nature shows but they want their people to camp out. what do you suggest?” Ranger mentioned.

“Good insurance? I would say if you have confidence in whoever you're going to hire to protect them and guide them as long as you get them to sign an agreement saying that they will not do anything stupid, they will have insurance on their people in case any of them get hurt, and they will provide someone to protect and defend whoever is in the group. Of course, you will also send someone along as extra protection.”

“All good suggestions and of course we'll go into greater detail as well as talking to a lawyer about what we need to do and what will happen As far as the worst case scenario.”

“Oh, look at that grove of trees. Some beautiful flowers and they're attracting several kinds of birds. Those need to be protected maybe even separated where visitors cannot get to them directly.” Toni suggested.

“The original report suggested that as well. Perhaps you will not disagree with them very much at all.” Ranger observed.

Now they began to work on a long list of items that he hoped they would get done before the day's end. Somehow, they managed to get it done and headed back just in time for supper. There was a long list that he would send to his personal assistant. In the morning, the managers would have a meeting and if anyone had a problem, they couldn't deal with the rest of the team would try to help.

Toni was hungry and ready for breakfast. When she arrived, she saw that the seats had been shuffled and she was in an even worse position than before. Zaya now set next to her, and they both sat near Ranger. It was obvious that the other female was angry and when she greeted her all Zaya did was snort. Toni just shrugged because there was nothing she could do except be nice and try to get along. She did notice that Ranger was paying a great deal of attention to them.

That was all right because she knew he wasn't angry at her. Apparently Zaya felt the extra attention was positive and all on her. She sent a smug smile to Toni and then a flirtatious one to Ranger. It seemed to her that Ranger was confused and didn't understand what the smile meant. Zaya seemed to be suffering from overconfidence and the belief that she was the only important one in the room.

They began to go over things and the team that had accomplished the least seemed to be the small team that Zaya was on. The leader that had been assigned to their small group admitted that they could not come to a consensus.

”Why was that?” Ranger asked.

“You said that you wanted everyone to come to in agreement and there was one person lacking in each area that we tried to deal with.” Joni admitted.

“We will discuss this after the meeting and see what we can manage.”

Now the subject changed, and they began to discuss every area except the one with the heavy disagreements. Toni had a feeling that one person had been the one that refused to agree and that that person was Zaya. They would know as soon as the breakfast meeting was over. It was funny that someone who was educated and had the experience needed to be hired for a wonderful job like this, didn't realize that she was behaving in an unacceptable manner and eventually would lose her job over it.

Those in upper management usually made excellent choices when they hired people. At their hotel she had even seen them hire people that she didn't think would work out and they had. Zaya seemed to be a really bad mistake and the first one that they had made. She wondered what they would do and how long it would take before they decided to do it. The meeting was over now and everyone except Joni left.

“Why don't you tell me what the issues were?” Ranger asked.

Joni was clearly upset. “We had one member who refused to approve of anything that anyone came up with. Those suggestions she came up with made no sense to me or the other members of our group.”

“Who was this member?”

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