Page 32 of Ranger

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“No, but there are indications that there are some. Apparently you were the only ones they went after. That suggests that somehow, they knew where you would be going. I don't really like the sound of that it means that someone is either watching very close or we have a spy in our organization.” Carler observed.

“What do you suggest we do about that?”

“I hate to start spying on our own people.”

“Maybe that's not where you should start.” Toni suggested.

“What do you mean?” Carler demanded.

“There are people here that rarely get noticed. Those are the service personnel, and they always seem to know what's going on because people speak freely around them. Maybe you should rule them out first. Check out the people who serve drinks or food. There are also people who pick up laundry and could plant bugs in rooms where people might speak. As far as the bugs go, I would have people check every room in this place. They can be very easy to plant and they're so small these days they're hard to notice.”

“You have a good point, and I really don't want to believe that any of our people would go against us. The ones that were really given a lot of information are in our top tier of leadership and I can't imagine why they would want to go rogue.” Carler said.

“I believe it's the most likely place to look since your people are all loyal trusted dragons in good positions where they really have no reason to be unhappy. It's not like you won't be looking for any sign that you are wrong about them. The time to have them investigated is not yet here. Maybe you should pull agent Anderson in on this one.” The look on Carler’s face at the mention of the agent made her wonder if there was some interest there.

“That might be a good idea on the human side of things.” He seemed to agree.

“Now what other concerns do we have?” Ranger asked.

“Where did they get the restraints? And what about the large amount of tranquilizer they seem to have?” Toni seem to have a lot of questions.

“Anything else?”

“Now that you asked, these all seem to be dragons. I thought it was more common for them to have humans that did the dirty work.” She had brought up something that his council had discussed before.

“The prevailing theory is when they switched to what you call terrorist tactics, they stopped using humans because they felt they were the reasons the things kept going wrong.” Ranger explained.

“Who they gonna blame now?” Toni was funny sometimes and the way she expressed things. But she had made a really good point. In truth, this time it was the human that had caused them to fail but not a human on their own side.

“We'll do all these things, and we’ll start on them now.” Carler offered.

He immediately headed out the door to get things started and hopefully this would deal with their issues. But Ranger wasn't foolish enough to think it would be that easy. Some things might be dealt with, but this was a bad time for them not to have a ship in orbit. A ship would have made things so much easier because they would have had those things necessary to begin to search these rogues out and the facilities available to jail all their prisoners.

It was unlikely they would get out but if they did, they would cause mayhem. The ships also carried extra supplies that might come in handy. All these rogues going to ground would make it easier for the enemy to avoid being caught.

“I've given some thought about being darted in the air. There are some old pictures of dragons on Earth in ancient times and they are wearing armor. That would make it hard for darts or anything else for that matter to get through if the armor was made with the right materials. On the bad side is that it adds weight to you when you're flying and I'm not sure what kind of problem that would cause. Of course, the wings would not have armor or at least I don't think they could. It seems that would interfere with flying. It's just a thought since I really don't know much.”

“We did have different types of armor in our ancient times as well. I'm sure that there are some put away in some of the old castles. But I have never actually seen one in person. I guess that means if they're made properly and lightweight enough that they can be used. Dragons on the ground could use them as well. One issue is that once you are in your armor you can't shift until you remove it.”

“I'm sure that's true which means you would have to decide which issue is most important at the time. If there is a risk of being shot out of the air, then I would say you'll want to go with your armor. As far as when you're on the ground aren't dragon skins tough enough not to be damaged. I believe it's your underbelly that's your issue.” Toni observed.

“You're right, the dart hit my belly and took me out immediately. I went crashing through the trees hitting every limb in the way to the ground.”

“Is that why you hurt so bad?”

“That and my head hurt and that was strictly from the tranquilizer.” Ranger explained. “This was a loss for them, but we need to do more.”

“We will. For now, you need to rest and heal. Your health is not where it needs to be.”

She was right and he knew it, but it was hard on him to admit it. A day to rest and a day to plan and he would be back out there and he would show them what his forces could do. They needed protection for their undersides and that was something someone else would need to figure out. He got on his radio and switched it so that it would send a text message.

We need to get something to protect our bellies when we fly away from the resort. Think armor of old but tougher and light weight.-R

Carler would handle it if anyone could. It wasn't really in their individual hands we needed an engineer or scientist. They were warriors and they would wear it and fight in it but making it, crafting such a specialized item was beyond their abilities.

Chapter 10

More To Come

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