Page 33 of Ranger

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It was so good to finally be out of medical and to feel like his usual self. He'd never liked the rogues, but until now he never had anything personal against them. That had changed and he intended to go after them with the full power of his position. While that would only affect the rogues on Earth, losing all of them should affect the rogues everywhere. Humans were given some training and a dragon was put in charge of each squad of 10 humans and they squad was based at each park.

So far, they had killed or captured 10 rogues. one of the problems was he had no idea of how many rogues there were. Having the squads at the parks had also routed out any of the illegal hunters, any of those stealing at the parks, and any mischief makers that were causing delays in the work. Since that had been done, two more parks had been completed and the first one was now getting visitors and making money.

They were actually ahead on their parks program and that was a good thing. The emperor had been shocked about what the rogues were doing but happy about the results. This moved up the time that would pass before he would be able to visit. Ranger imagined the Empress was missing her home planet and wanted to be able to visit.

“What are you thinking about?” Toni asked.

“It is about when the Emperor will be able to bring his mate to visit.”

“I've heard she's not been to this continent but always wanted to visit. That is something I am sure he is aware of and probably would like to bring her.”

“That explains something. I thought she might be the reason that he has taken such an interest in our new country. Usually, these new colonies do not spark such an interest until they are far closer to being ready to take their place fully in our empire.” Ranger explained.

“I know little about the empire. What does it mean when a colony fully takes its place?”

“When a colony is started, they rarely have resources and are usually lowly populated. Their leadership is not tested nor assured. Our colony is different than many because I was placed in charge. That means I have voting rights in the empire council and have a great deal of freedom to make decisions for what happens here. But we, like many new colonies, are unable to provide any military assistance to the empire and little money except what is required to keep ourselves expanding.”

“The emperor intends to expand the country?” Toni looked shocked.

“You misunderstood me. We do not intend to go past our borders. What we do intend is to work with what we have and there are many places where we have done nothing yet. We need to stay within our resources and right now the resort and the parks are all we have worked with. That leaves vast amounts of land untouched.

“What do you intend to do next?"

“We are beginning with the next stage since the parks are done. We intend to put in some industry so that we can bring in more people and have a place for them to work. That also means we need more housing so that there is somewhere to put those people. Along with more housing, we need to meet the other needs our new people will have.” Ranger explained.

“I think I understand. Once you deal with a place to live and are able to provide a job, they'll need places to eat, schools, stores to provide for other needs, and places to deal with any other needs they might have.”

“Exactly. We are building cities now and it won't be as quick as it is on the other places of Earth because we are building cities that will not destroy the land around them. One of our biggest advantages here is that we already have a clean energy source meaning it will not cause any pollution. We also have building materials that we can break down into dirt if we ever decide the buildings are no longer suitable or necessary.”

“It's a shame that we didn't have those here a long time ago.”

“Are you so sure that the ability to make them does not exist here?”

“If they have them, why wouldn't they use them?’ Toni asked, but she was already beginning to realize that Earth was run by money and politics. There were companies that made a fortune by leaving things the way they were. If those companies had a lot of money, they could buy all the support they needed.

It was sad, but it was the way things were and it would take a rebellion to change that. A rebellion like that was something that would be hard to organize and difficult to carry out. Although it was sad, she could see why no one wanted to be the one to try. Early dissenters often ended up in jail for life.

“I see you finally figured it out and it will not be something that changes anytime soon. This is not something our empire can take on. We can only hope that when they see this country develop without the problems that they have that people will want to make a difference and change things for themselves.” Ranger explained.

“I just can't believe that giving them a good example will be enough to make that kind of difference.”

“There will be more to it than that. Certain things that we are doing here like the materials we are making our buildings with maybe sold in other parts of the planet. Since they are fully recyclable it will help even if only a portion makes use of them. There will be other things and it will help. We are also trying to buy our way to the ocean. If we make it there, we will build an underwater city and there is much we can do for your ocean that will help clean it up. We cannot take on all of Earth's problems, but we will help. Even now we are helping.”

“How are you doing that?” Toni asked.

“Have you not noticed how clean the air is here?”

“I have but I thought it was because this is a undeveloped country.”

“That does make the air better, but it was still full of pollutants because the wind carries air all around. We have machines set-up that clean the air and that air will eventually spread everywhere. Just us being here will help the planet. But if they continue what they are doing and keep increasing the pollution they're putting out, eventually they will get beyond our ability to help them recover from it. Dragons do not understand this extreme greed that makes them do harm and be unwilling to try to correct it.”

“I don't understand it either.” She wished she could explain it, but why would anyone destroy the planet they lived on when they really had nowhere else to go? She knew at one time they had said the children would find a solution but that was several generations ago and none of the children had managed to correct it.”

“I'm sure they felt it was like fighting an uphill battle. I fear for the rest of this planet if they don't find a way to take control.” Ranger admitted

”What of this country? Is it not tied to the rest of the planet?”

“Possibly to some extent, but if things get to the point where they are beyond help or hope we can always put a dome over the country. I hope it doesn't come to that, but at least we have some possibilities.”

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