Page 31 of Ranger

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That's what he did, and he didn't know for how long but eventually all good things come to an end and he woke again. “Who is here?” He struggled to get it out.

“I am.’ A soft sweet voice replied. “Do you need anything?”


She got him some and even though he couldn't sit she dripped it in his mouth a little at a time so he wouldn't choke. His mouth was so terribly dry that even the small amount of water felt so good. Maybe he would be able to speak easier. He wanted to kill those guys, the rogues who had gotten him. He'd never expected them to have a gun good enough to shoot that far into the air. Ranger new better now and he would be more careful.

These were his people he was with because rogues would never take such good care of him. “Where?”

“You're at medical in the resort.”

That was a relief and he relaxed, but he must have fallen asleep because he woke again and this time there was noticeable improvement. The aches were beginning to ease, and he was more lucid this time when he woke. “My queen?” Now he tried to open his eyes, but it was almost like they were stuck together.

“I'm here.” Toni said.

“What happened?”

“The rogues attacked. They darted you and Kerith then captured Landra. I went to their camp and freed Landra so we were able to free the two of you and get you back here. Keep your eyes closed and I will wipe them off. You have some sticky stuff on them that is holding them closed.”

He could feel her taking a cloth with warm water on it and wiping over his eyes. She did it several times and when she stopped, he tried to open them. They were starting to break loose, and he was sure if he continued to try eventually, he would get them open. Ranger finally did and he wiped the sticky stuff off his eyes. That had never happened before but maybe that was because they gave him such a strong shot of that stuff.

There was his lovely mate sitting beside him. “Close your eyes a second let me wipe that off. Doctor Amy says that they gave you so much that it is clogging your eyes.” She wiped it and got it all off.

“Thank you, that is so much better. I vaguely remember you telling me the story of how you and Landra freed us. It's hard to believe that the only reason we are free now is because you and I split our jobs. That was hard, leaving you behind that is but it turned out to be the best thing.”

“They are going after them and they were able to recover those that we had knocked out. The rogues have learned, and they were doing things they never did before. They're using the scent of local animals to cover their own and they have something that blocks the message sent out by the restraints. It gave them an advantage that we did not expect.” Toni admitted.

Now he understood. Wondering how they had gone undetected had driven his dragon crazy. Now there was a new problem, how do you deal with an enemy you cannot detect. Of course, now that they knew how they did it, his people would be able to do it too. He was sure that they had used some of the humans long distance rifles to shoot the dart that had hit him. It wasn't like they had cared if he survived or not. They were a vicious group of rogues. It seemed they would have to treat them in kind. His people usually did not kill rogues unless there was no other choice.

He was so lost in thought, he had not realized she'd been talking to him. “Ranger, are you alright?”

“I'm sorry. You've given me a lot of things to think about and this will change the way that this war is going because even if I never considered it a war before it clearly is now.”

“Terrorists are the worst kind of enemy to have and that is exactly what they are now whether they were before or not. I believe they are learning from the terrorists we have on our planet and that is not good. It will be easier for you because you will not have to follow all the rules at the other governments do.”

“If they find out that we are not following those rules, will they not try to cause us problems?” Ranger asked.

“They will have to prove it, and since you're bringing in a lot of people from these other countries, they will have to be watched very closely. Especially those that might be involved and some of the things you do to take your rogues down.”

“I think I understand what you mean. Reporters and spies may be our worst enemies. They won't care about what our enemies do only what we do.”

“It's true and because your country has only recently move forward into the world's eye, they will think you unable to defend yourselves. Some of the more aggressive countries might even think it a good excuse to try to take your country over.” Toni admitted.

“Of course, they would find that to be a big mistake.”

His dragon roared in his head ready to attack those that had done this. They would be sorry, and his dragon would make sure of it. He was smart enough to realize that he could not run out and do this right now but as soon as he was better, they would quake in fear when they saw him. Ranger was a fire breather, and he would burn them to a crisp. Hopefully, his mate wouldn't come along because he knew she would be mortified at the sight. The smell of burning flesh would be awful and even he would feel bad, but he would do it anyway.

There was a knock at the door, and I was surprised that no one else had come sooner. Toni went and answered the door and let Carler come in. “Ready for an update?” He asked.

“I've been waiting for you. What took you so long?”

“Someone's mate was protecting them.” Carler explained with a look toward Toni.

Ranger grinned. “Seems like she decided it's time for you to come in. Have you talked to any of the others?”

“All of them including Toni. It's still hard to believe that they could erase their scent or smell like a local animal. That will be hard to get around. Shooting you out of the air wasn't a good thing either but we can get those weapons too. The main reason I came was to update you on what has happened. Their team that came after you has been neutralized and they have all been restrained and put somewhere that they cannot get out of. They are also under guard.”

“Did you find any other teams?”

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