Page 29 of Ranger

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“See the one that is set for weight?”

“I do.”

“Push it, then the button next to it, and then finally the last button.” She did as instructed, and the restraints popped off. “Thank you. Let's get our men and carry them away first. Then we will plan how to take all these rogues out.”

Toni had forgotten about her dragon strength. She was able to lift Ranger and carry him away easily. Following Landra, they found a shed where the park stored items. It was better than leaving them out in the open somewhere. They popped off their restraints and then they took them with them leaving their men at least a little bit protected. Landra locked the shed door to ensure there were no signs that it had been disturbed at all.

“Tell me what you know?” Landra asked.

“A larger force has been sent after me, but they will probably return once they see that I am out of there. The terrible smell is something that I dumped because I did not believe that my sense of smell was as good as any of the others since I am new. One of those left behind, there were four of them, is in the woods restrained and I pressed the button that alerts the resort. Hopefully someone will come. Of the other three one was asleep and two were up talking. What they are doing now I do not know.”

“I wasn't sure how much help you would be but damn I'm glad we brought you along. Kareth and I went scouting together. Ranger was smarter to leave you behind. They took Kareth out and I went looking for him. They shot me with a milder dart because they said they wanted me aware of all the fun I was going to have. The first one that a approached me got a thrashing but he did get in a couple hits. Any signs of them will be gone in the morning, but he will remember them a long time. The others decided to wait. I suspect they plan to starve me and keep me awake so that I won’t be strong enough to fight them off. Cowards the lot of them.”

“How were they able to get so close without alerting you?” Toni asked.

“They got scent from one of the local animals and wiped it all over themselves. That did not get any attention because that was a scent that belonged so we ignored it. It is something we'll need to look for once your terrible scent is no longer on the wind.”

“Human hunters use that, and they also have something that simply takes scent away. It gives them an advantage and it seems our enemy now has that same advantage. I see no reason that we can't use that as well when we are hunting. If we can get a hold of someone, maybe they can alert the other teams and pull out whatever security forces we might have.”

“The resort was notified the second you activated the one rogue’s cuffs. They will gather a group and they will come here and with that nasty smell on the air the other side will have no advantage. But right now, we need to go after the other rogues that are in the camp. We need to go quietly, and we need to be watchful, and we cannot communicate verbally.”

Landra began to lead the way but then Toni beckoned her back. she came back and was handed another dart gun. “Thank you.” She said softly and low.

Toni nodded and they headed out again. They moved in place where they could see the three rogues sitting at would appear to be a campfire that was not lit. Maybe this was where they cooked their food. It seemed they still were talking but one was still sleeping. Landra made several motions and Toni nodded and hoped she understood. They would each hit one of the rogues and then whoever was done first would dart the other guy. This they did immediately. She was sure that Landra had allowed her to get the third guy.

The issue now would be the large group when they returned. It was a surprise to her that they had not already returned. Those guys would know as soon as they got to camp that their fellow rogues had been taken out. That's when they would immediately do a search and try to find them. If they caught them, they would not be treated very well.

“What should we do now?” Toni asked.

“Honestly, I'm not sure why backup is not here yet. I don't really want to leave our guys behind because they might be found, but I would hate to be caught again.”

“Sounds like it's too late.” Even she could hear the larger group returning and they weren't in a good mood.

“How in the hell did that bitch escape?” One of them asked.

“Maybe he had her run back to the resort. She is a delicate human and could be easily hurt. He had to know there was a chance that she would be involved in a fight.” The guy beside him replied.

“That is true. Is no one guarding the camp here?” The one that had spoken first asked. It was clear that he was in charge.

It looked like there were only four of them, so Toni glanced at Landra who nodded. They both lined up their dart guns and shot one and then the next rogue. They all fell but they couldn't be sure that this was all of them. Even if it was, she only had two more restraints.

“Is there any way we can contact Carler or one of the other groups that's out here?”

“I have not been out in the parks. I'm not even sure what their locations are. we do have the radios somewhere if they didn't destroy them. The problem with using those is if there are more rogues they will probably hear and come running.” Landra explained.

“This seems like a hopeless problem. Do you think they might have restraints that we could use, or do you believe they'll be able to get them off?”

“It would take quite a talent to get them off when you are wearing them. If they've been trained in how to do it, they may be able to get off each other’s restraints but that would be difficult too.”

“Let's just attempt it. Once that is done, we'll go check on our males and take them back to the resort. I realize we may lose these rogues if there is someone else that can come and get them, but we can't stay here. At least now we know how they managed to sneak up on people.” Toni expressed.

They dug through some of the pockets on the pants and shirts the rogues had on and managed to find a few restraints. It was enough for those that were here with one to spare. The fact that they weren't even in number also worried her. Now they move to the shed where the guys were. The items they had moved in front of them they moved out of the way now. They each grabbed their male and now they carried them going toward what they had decided was the closest shuttle. That happened to be the one Ranger had driven.

When they arrived, they saw the rogues had not done much to it. Maybe they had intended to use it for themselves. Once they had the guys loaded, she searched Ranger before she remembered that these were not started by key. It was alright because Landra knew the code and she had the shuttle started. They headed toward the resort and when they were about halfway there, Landra called to have a force sent to the park where the restraints were in use. She also asked for medical to be on standby.

This whole mission had been crazy. Why have they not gotten the signal from the restraints? How had so many rogues camped out in the parks without being discovered? Landra had confirmed that every one of these guys were dragons. Honestly, Toni had expected them to have many humans filling out their ranks. That would have been easier to understand. Many humans on Earth were unhappy with their lives. Some of them with good reason.

“Do you think anyone will chase us?” Toni asked.

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