Page 24 of Ranger

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Ranger pulled her into his arms and kissed her sweetly. “Imagine your dragon. When you see her tell her she can come out and fly with her mate.”

She had no idea what else to do so she let him relax her in his arms and then she started thinking about dragons. Then she thought about the one that was in her head and invited it to come out and play. She felt funny and there was a stab of pain and then she was looking at everything through new eyes.

“You are gorgeous.” Ranger exclaimed. “You should try to fly.”

She stepped away from him and she began to move her wings. It was a little awkward, but it didn't take long for her to learn to control them and these legs that were so different from the ones she usually had. Now that need to fly hit her so hard it hurt, and she took a couple steps and began to rise. She could see her beautiful light gold wings. Ranger was a darker gold as he came into sight keeping close to her but not so close that she might hit him or he her.

They would make a beautiful sight to someone on the ground and hopefully no one was watching. It was fun as they flew through the air and doing aerial acrobatics and chasing each other across the sky. She had to admit it was one of the most wonderful feelings she had ever had as she flew straight up into the sky and then turned, and dive bombed and then leveled off to see her mate waiting for her. But she knew that it would have to end, and it seemed it was ending now as he gestured to her, and he went in for a landing.

Toni supposed that was part of life. You had the good, the bad, the beginning and for now at least they had reached the end of their activities. She landed and then changed and followed Ranger as he went back to the car where they would head back to the resort. It felt sad to end her first flight bet she knew eventually they would be able to go again. She suspected the next thing he would want to know was if she could breathe fire. That probably wasn't something that would come easily so she wouldn't even bother to try at this point. As far as she was concerned, they had done enough experimenting for the day.

“I hope you enjoyed your first flight?” Ranger asked.

“It was delightful, and I hope that we can do that again many times.”

“That is my hope as well. do you have any questions about flying or being a dragon?”

“My dragon has shared much with me, and I cannot think of a thing right now.” Toni explained.

“I wasn't sure if she would so soon. Sometimes that relationship develops over time.”

The conversation died out and it was quiet the rest of the way to the resort. As soon as they got there someone approached Ranger and he had to go. She called Sandy to her office so they could make plans talk to the person at the college in charge of things like classes and new students. It didn't take Sandy five minutes to arrive.

“Was something wrong?” She asked as soon as she entered.

“No, this is about what we discussed this morning. I thought we would find out who at the college deals with these things and discuss with them how best to get some students who would like to work with our program and Doc.”

“Oh, I wasn't expecting this. I do happen to know that Donna Doyle is dean and if she isn't in charge of that area, she will know who is. I also happen to have her business card.” She handed it to her.

“Have you already been researching this?” Toni wondered.

“I wish I could take credit for being that forward thinking. She is my mom.” Sandy admitted.

“It will still help you get this special assignment done. Why don't you go ahead and call her but let her know I'm in the room as well.”

Sandy pulled out her phone and push speed dial. “Hello Mom. this is Sandy and I am here with my boss Toni. We needed some help.”

“Hi Baby. Are you wanting to take more classes?” Her mom asked.

“No, this is work related to the concerns of the Parks Department.”

Sandy explained exactly what they needed and how she hoped that they could help them.

“I see no problem and I believe we have at least two students that will be starting soon that should comply with your requirements. but I am sure your veterinarian will want to speak to them, and he will also need to be approved by the college for this program that we will be starting a little early for you. I see no issues provided everything is put in and approved. There are already forms available for just such a program that we weren't planning to start till next year.”

“Thank you, Donna. This is Toni, Sandy's boss. You have been a great help.”

Sandy and her mother said goodbye and it seemed that they were in a really good position now. “What do we do now?”

“Now you will need to negotiate with your Doc and get him onboard. It will be a little extra help to get his two students approved to do whatever they need to do to get this program started. The payoff is once he has them, he has two helpers that are capable of taking over parts of his project or assisting him with both projects. I'm sure you can present this in a way that will not upset him. Tell him one of the higher levels has taken an interest and this was their idea. That may prevent him from getting upset or feeling like he's been ratted out.”

“I can do this but undoubtedly he will be angry.” Sandy admitted.

“In the end, he may appreciate that this was done. Eventually he will be in charge of a large program and getting it started now would be best.”

Sandy left to get things started and Toni could tell that she was not looking forward to it. Once it was done, she would feel better. This would also move the project forward so that it would catch up to where it needed to be. It wouldn't be much of a park if it was not full of the animals that had always been there. Right now, they were moving animals around so that this park could open on time and have the full population it needed so that an animal could be seen from time to time. The problems would come when all the animals had been located and there were parks with no animals at all. Park One was nearly done although it had not been named yet and they had already booked tours with tour guide experts that were currently training in the history of all the animals that were in there. They hadn't been foolish, and they had three months to get everything finished.

Even though the college was just getting started, they already had some students working in their fields getting credit for what they were doing. One of these students was on site veterinarian at Park 1. With the large number of animals that were gathering there someone needed to be on site to assure their health and care. While the list of things that needed to be done did not seem so long, since outside forces were causing issues three months didn't seem so long either. Toni had no doubt that some of these issues would continue even after the park was open.

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