Page 21 of Ranger

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“You've seen my dragon. He is not a separate creature, but he is part of me because I am a dragon shifter and now you are a dragon shifter too. I meant to tell you and I was trying to ease you into the knowledge because I didn't know how you would handle it. The fact that our mating has come in the middle of such a huge move where we are doing so much has made it harder. It is true that this country is Draconis, but there is also a planet with the same name and that is where we all originate it from.”

“Is this for real?” Toni was looking at Amy for confirmation and Amy just nodded.

“It is the mating that is making changes to your system that makes you feel so bad right now. Eventually you will be different but how different no one can say until the change is complete. There was a time that many of our mates only changed a little bit. But since we have been mating the humans of your planet a few have changed completely, and they are dragons, and they can fly side by side with their mates.” Ranger explained. “I chose you and if you make the change or you don't make the change you are still my chosen one and no one else will do.”

“I don't know what to say. On one hand I am angry, truly mad that you would not prepare me for something that has hit me this hard. On the other hand, it makes me feel good that you would care that much for me not knowing how this will turn out. There is also Amy who I feel terrible for because she has been dragged in the middle of something between two people that probably embarrasses her to witness.”

“You need to realize that we do not have many women on my planet, and I have not had any real relationships. Of all the things that I have to do and all the issues I have had to deal with trying to figure out how to handle our mating has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and even though we are now mated it doesn't seem to be getting any easier. How are you feeling?”

“Like a dragon ran over me.” Toni described. Amy laughed which didn't make him feel any better.

“I did not intend to cause you any pain but as far as the problems you are going through right now, there would have been no way to avoid them since they are part of the mating process. If it will make you feel any better once you get over this, you will be healthier, live longer and I hope that you will have some defenses that will prevent others from harming you as easily.”

“Do I know anyone else that has gone through this change?”

“You do. Remember when you were staying in Vegas and that group of people were down in the main restaurant and you came with me too. It was a lady and her daughters. Every one of them went through the change and became dragons. One became our Empress.”

“As in royalty?”

“Yes, but that was not one of the daughters you met. That was the one going to medical school, and she became a doctor and is now a healer in our empire. Actually, in her position as Empress she does many things. I hope that you can meet her sometime because I am sure eventually, they will visit.” Ranger explained.

“Is this considered part of their empire?”

“Yes, is this considered another Kingdom in the empire.”

“Who rules this?” Toni asked.

“That would be you and I.”

“Is that part of the reason that they are after me, because of our relationship?”

“I really don't think so. They are still trying to find Davy and you are another one that got away. This particular branch of the mob does not believe in letting anyone out of their grasp. Even though it was your brother that was dealing with them, they feel like since you interfered it makes you part of the problem. They expect to either get retribution or something of value. It's just their nature.”

“My life just continues to get complicated. I don't think it will ever be normal.”

“Normal is different for everyone.” Amy pointed out.

“Things will get better once your change has started to complete.” Ranger observed.

“Will it? How do you know since you've never gone through one?”

“We have had many lately and I have heard about every one of them. I know right now while your change still rages through you that you will feel much worse. Some compare it to a very severe flu, but some say that doesn't even begin to cover it. Once it is gone things don't seem nearly so bad.”

“It will make me happy when I'm in a position to judge that. Right now, I'm very hungry.” Toni mentioned.

Ranger went to the cart and pulled it over to the table and began passing out food. Much of it was passed to Toni who was going through food like a hungry dragon. He could smell a change on her so he knew that she would at least be able to partially morph. What he really wanted to see was if she had wings and could fly. Yes, he loved her and would take her in whatever form she came. It's the thought of her flying beside him in the sky day or night was so exciting he couldn't describe it. Was it possible, yes because it had been happening more and more. Would it happen there was no way to know and they had not even been able to figure out what the percentage was.

As he watched her eat, he would guess that there was a real dragon inside if he only judged by the amount of food she was able to put away. The next thing he wondered was could she breathe fire? If she did would she managed that control that Dori and her girls had found? Was it possible that a colony of dragons had been on Earth and left their DNA in many of these humans? If this was true, some scientists needed to find out what bloodlines had been here.

“What are you doing today?” Toni asked.


“We had a lot to do today. What are you going to try to get done and if I feel well enough is there anything I can do for you?”

“Right now, I'm having to work on a security issue. The other issues have been assigned to other leaders.”

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