Page 2 of Ranger

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“No, we are VIPs. didn't you notice we didn't go through the airport in Las Vegas?”

“Yes, but I thought maybe you were considered an ambassador.”

“I am. And that helps me here too.”

“I've heard many people complaining about how hard it is to go through an airport, so I suppose that's a good thing. Why do you have so many armed males with us?” Toni asked.

“Ambassadors always have guards.”

“I suppose you're right. I have a lot to learn.”

“That's OK. You can learn it slowly.” Ranger suggested. “You look tired. When we get there, your brother will be waiting on you. Once you catch up with him a little bit, you should go to bed and get some rest. Your rooms will be right next to his. I have heard he's doing very well so that's one less worry for you. No one is going to do any work until tomorrow.”

“Thank you. Will we have a meeting in the morning to let us know what we'll be doing and what's going on?”

“I believe Carler will get in touch with everyone around breakfast time. It will probably be a breakfast meeting and I believe everyone will have a folder in their room that gives them the beginning information that they will need. You worry too much, everything here will be very informal to begin with. Anything that you do even eating a meal will give you information that may help us improve the business.”

“That makes sense in a way. Something may be revealed to us as we go about our daily business that needs correction that we might otherwise not be made aware of.” Toni observed.

“Exactly, just be sure to let someone know so they can do something about it.”

“I will. It’s time for me to go see David.”

Ranger nodded in acknowledgement and then hurried away. He had misled her once again. Since others in his management team were also human, they had been given four hours to clean up take a nap or do whatever it was they might need to do to prepare and then there would be a separate meeting tonight to begin discussing business. They did not fill out the folders yet, they had just begun. Once they had the meeting, folders would be made and then delivered to each of the staff.

It was his hope that Toni wouldn't notice and if she did, they would tell her they had gotten behind and that it would be delivered in the morning prior to breakfast. Ranger felt bad that he was lying to her so much, but he felt that it was necessary. She had a lot of pride, and she would let that interfere with their relationship. Once that relationship was developed, he didn't believe she would be able to break away. After all, he was a powerful and charming dragon, wasn't he?

He got on his phone. “Carler, is everything set-up for the meeting tonight?”

“It is, and the information should be on your nightstand.”

“Thank you. I will see you then.” He was sure that Carler was surprised because his approach was usually more hands on.

Right now, while he was trying to develop his relationship with Toni, they'd all find they were getting a chance to work on their own more and sink or swim. This would be hard because he planned to be around her as much as possible, but he wasn't in a position where he could instruct her. This would be good for him since he needed to learn how to back off a bit because he was going to be running the whole country and would still be trying to keep one eye on the resort in Las Vegas. The only way this would work was if he had competent people in the right positions and he trusted them enough not to be on the phone constantly.

It was a few hours later when he made his way to the conference room where everything had been set-up for their meeting. A buffet was set-up and a small bar. Everything looked really good, and managers were beginning to arrive. There were nameplates at each position so everyone would know where to sit. After giving them a small amount of time to eat, discussions would begin at the lowest level and work their way up. There were people who would also be dismissed in that order so that in the end those of the highest level could freely discuss things of a more secret nature. Only those that were dragons or knew about them would be there at the end.

Carler slipped into the seat next to him and since others were there, he slipped a piece of paper to his second which is what Carler was as far as the business went. Ranger had come to a decision on the job Toni would be assigned at least to begin with. Hopefully this position would please her as much as he thought it would please him. His second nodded showing he understood.

When the announced time of the meeting came, Carler got up and address them all. “It is time for us to get started and the first thing we will do is everyone can get their plates that has not already done so and get a drink. Until everyone is done with their food this is a good time to eat and introduce yourself to those that sit near you.” He sat down since he and all the people at the portion of the table that they were at already had their plates they had just not begun to eat yet.

Two of the bartenders came around starting with Ranger and working their way around the table to take drink orders. Others had already gotten up and gone to the bar in order to get their drinks directly. It was sad that Toni could not sit directly by him in future meetings, because she was a medium level manager. She would be close enough to them that she could hear their discussions and be addressed by any of them. Tonight, she would not be here so that would not be a problem.

He was however, concerned that others might share with her news of this meeting or even ask her why she had not been there. This lying was very hard to do because there was so much to keep up with that it was easy to forget something. He had no doubt that if she felt excluded, she would be one angry female. It was too late to change it so they would continue forward.

After everyone getting 30 minutes to eat, he called the meeting to order and they began with the smaller details that needed to be initiated now. There were no surprises and they started with the lower management at the hotel and then moved through to the casino. There was a lot to do, and Carler explained to them that there would be another meeting for breakfast in the morning. Next, he dismissed hotel and casino lower level management.

Giving them a few moments to leave he then turned to those of lower level management everywhere else in the country. Once done with that they were dismissed, and things moved up to medium management. “At this level of management and higher you have a lot more responsibility and you need to examine the packages you will receive in the morning that tell what benefits those who work under your purview have. An important thing that needs to be understood is the benefits are there to be used. If one of our employees would benefit from something in that book, their attention needs to be brought to it.” Carler explained.

One of the managers raised their hand. “Aren't you concerned about the cost of giving out so many benefits?”

“Is that Sandy?” Carler asked.

“It is.”

“I'm glad you asked that because it's important that you understand the view of the company. The benefits aren't given just to draw in good workers. They are meant to be taken advantage of because happy workers are much easier to deal with. When our workers take advantage of the education that is available to them, they become better workers adding some upward mobility. Once the company is established here, we want our workers to move up and new workers to come in at a lower level and work their way up. Sometimes this isn't possible, but it won't be for lack of trying. We like to think of our company as a large extended family. That is why we have an extended and paid maternity leave. Our company also has a good sick leave policy, a generous vacation that increases at certain levels, and we have facilities to cover health related issues. That would be a hospital, actually the only one in the country though we plan to get several small ones spread around that you can go to for any treatment you need free of charge. This covers employees and their families.”

“That is very generous”. Sandy approved.

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