Page 14 of Ranger

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Now the guards finally came, and she was relieved because at least she would get rid of him now.

“What are you guys doing?” The stranger yelled.

“We have some questions for you Sir.”

Toni heard them tell him as she slipped into David's room. maybe they would make the guy go away and no one would bother her for a while.

“Is this because of me?” David asked.

“Maybe, I don't really know. The timing does seem a little suspicious. I believe security will investigate and maybe we'll know then.”

“How did they get here so quick?”

“Ranger gave some of us higher level executives a panic button. I'm surprised he didn't tell you that some of the mob guys have come here to cause problems.” Toni admitted.

“I might see Ranger once a month because that is part of our agreement that he checks on me once a month to be sure I am doing as I should. My guess is he didn't believe I was a high priority target for them anymore and that is why he didn't mention it. Apparently, they like you better.”

“I can only hope Ranger’s people catch them and deal with all of them. It's hard to feel safe when you run into someone everywhere you go. I best go to bed because I have a hard day tomorrow. I was only planning to check on you quickly anyway.”

She opened the door slowly and poked her head out looking both ways to make sure that nobody was out there waiting for her. Toni was leaving as David called goodbye and she waved over her shoulder. Her room was right next door so she opened it and slipped in and pushed the door closed to make sure no one would get in without a key. These complications she had run into lately were not needed and she hoped they would just all go away.

Toni undressed then took a shower and slipped on her favorite comfortable night gown. She felt a little better and she got a glass of wine and sat sipping it in a chair where she could look outside and see the night sky lit with the halfmoon and a sprinkling of stars. She wondered as the city grew if that would make it harder to get a view like this. In the bigger city she knew that it was hard because of all the lights down below to even get a decent view of the sky above.

Maybe she fell off to sleep, or maybe she had just been overly relaxed from the wine but she startled suddenly and realized someone was knocking on the door. Jumping up she went to answer it and it was Ranger. He pulled her close and ran his hands over her body making her feel electrified all over. That's when she remembered all she was wearing was a very thin nightgown with nothing beneath it.

“Are you alright? What happened?”

“There was this guy and he seemed like a bum. He was following me around and that was a little scary considering everything else that had been happening lately. I'm not sure who he was or why he was there but when I started to go into my brother’s room and he wanted to follow me in that was just a little too much. I pushed my button and we just talked David and I, until the guards came and took him away.”

“I'm not sure how he got in the hotel. He has no ID on him and he won't tell us who he is. Until we find out otherwise, we need to assume that he's dangerous. He shouldn't mind it too much because he looks like he could use a good meal and we fed him and he is staying in one of the nice regular hotel rooms.”

“Have you already tried to ID his picture and his fingerprints?” Toni asked.

He shot her a look. “Any other suggestions?”

“I wonder how he got into the country without ID.”

“That is a good question, and I will have my security people check it out. It shouldn't be possible.” Rangers had moved lower, and he kissed her deeply.

She hadn't even thought about should she let him or not, she had just been pulled into the kiss. He pulled back and let her go and sometimes she regretted that he was such a gentleman.

“I see you are ready to go to bed already and I know I need to. Goodnight sweetheart”.

Toni whispered good night as he walked away. Maybe she should have taken the kiss over and made him want to stay. But she was afraid she'd embarrass herself because she didn't know much about things between a man and a woman. How could she seduce a man like Ranger when she had never even been with a man of any kind. That had made her decide not to embarrass herself and just let him go for tonight. There was always tomorrow to look forward to.

Waking up in the morning came easily since she'd gone to bed early, but she had slept a little longer. Oh, she was still up in time to eat and then get to work so it was OK. Toni did that just as she always did and was dressed and ready for breakfast in no time. This was not another breakfast meeting, but she did get her breakfast and go to her office to eat it while she went over some of the things she would have to do today.

Ranger showed up while she was eating. “I had hoped to catch you at the restaurant. Then I looked at the cafeteria and it still hadn't occurred to me that you might have brought breakfast to your office.”

“I decided it was best because I wanted to scroll through a few of the things we were going to do today and get a bit of a jump on things. Did you skip breakfast because you couldn't find me?” Toni asked.

“No because I knew today might be a tough day, I knew I needed to eat. We have a long list of things that we need to get through and I'm hoping for the best.”

“My hopes too. Any news on that guy from last night?”

“You'll find this hard to believe that he was exactly what he seemed to be. He is some poor guy from your country that wandered on to an airplane that was delivering supplies here. He's got some medical issues that our doctors are working on, and they say he's got a very good chance of recovery. It's very sad because he was a veteran and was not getting the care that he should have been. It's wrong not to take care of those that risk everything for your country, but I hear it happens in other countries often.” Ranger explained.

“Every once in a while, I hear about things like that.”

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