Page 15 of Ranger

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“I'm going to start on my list and when it gets starting time, we can discuss what else we need to get to.”

Toni began to scroll through all the information they had gotten back from their team on what they've accomplished, what things could be marked off the list, and what needed looked into. It was almost depressing how long the list was because it seemed like even with things getting marked off the top things were added to the bottom. But looking closely she could see that they were getting done two items to everyone that was added to the bottom. At least they were making progress.

“You won’t mind sharing lunch, will you?” Ranger asked.

“Not at all. It'll be nice to get out of this office for a little while the way things are going.”

“Is there a problem with the list?”

“Not really, but for every two items we get done there is a new one added to the bottom. That's a little depressing.” Toni admitted.

“I see what you mean but if you'll notice that what you're considering two items added is just one item being divided into two. It's easier to use a person to accomplish something that they're already specialized in. That will work well if we give it a chance.”

“It certainly helps to know that they're just spreading the work around a little bit. That's also a way to catch people that aren't holding up their end as far as the work goes.”

“If they aren't contributing, they need to be caught and either moved somewhere where they can contribute or pulled off the team altogether.” Ranger approved.

They worked hard and Toni made a lot of calls. She needed a headset like Ranger had because he made a lot of calls too, but it was hard to hear them or noticed what he was doing with it on. Others were very attention getting because she held a hand over her ear and sometimes had to talk louder because of the phone not working as well.

Even Ranger looked tired, and they had a clock on the wall that she happened to look at and it was high noon. “Ranger, have you noticed the time?”

“Let me finish this and I will escort you to lunch.”

She nodded because she had something to finish too. Toni and he seem to finish at the same time. He walked over to her chair as she stood. Which restaurant would they go to today? They had just put in a new seafood one and so far, everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Chapter 5

No Go For Joe

His worries just seemed to multiply because the detective told him Joe had disappeared. Not only was there no trace of him, but those closest to him had also disappeared. that made no sense. It was harder to hide a large group of well-known criminals. Ranger was finding all of this very frustrating.

It was time to begin a full scale investigation and infiltration campaign so that they could finally wipeout this dirty organization that wasn't even smart enough to leave alone a superior force. He wrote back an e-mail to his detective and told him to do whatever he needed to do to track down Joe and his other cohorts. Once he had all the information he needed, he was to send the information anonymously to any of the law enforcement agencies that didn't know where they were.

Ranger wasn't stupid. He knew if he asked the detective to do anything illegal, he would probably report him to all of those same law enforcement agencies. But helping out the law in a way that gave them information that they needed, that wouldn't be frowned on. Now he would begin the second prong of his two pronged assault. It was true that their ships could track anyone if they had their DNA or some other source of identifying information. A human would think that cool provided it wasn't used on them in some negative way.

Tregar was the dragon to discuss this with. He gave him the information he needed to come straight to one of the meeting rooms and then he went to meet him there. This guy was an expert at a fairly young age by dragon standards. His youthful exuberance would help him with this at least he thought it would. He got there just as Tregar flashed in.

“Hey dude!” Tregar greeted.

Ranger raised an eyebrow at him. The young man knew exactly what he meant, and he looked a little sheepish now. “I have a task for you, and we will label it top secret. I have a list of men in order of importance. The top three must be taken. If you cannot find anything on Joe senior who is the first on the list, his son is in prison, and you can track him through the boy's DNA. another way is preferable, but this is a fall back. These guys, when taken will go directly to the emperor immediately and in restraints. Do you understand?”

“Cool man. This is like James Bond stuff.”

“Who is this James Bond I keep hearing about?”

“It's a human thing. The term suggests secrecy at the highest level.” Tregar explained.

“Then you do understand. You may call in assistance if needed to cover your normal duties but this needs to be done personally by you. It's time for you to get back before you're noticed as absent.”

Tregar was gone in a flash. That young man was getting too humanized. That was one concern that Ranger would no longer worry about. He would worry about whatever Joe senior had already sent his way. Somehow at least two of Joe’s setups had gone through and one person who shouldn't be here but had nothing to do with Joe had also made it through. There was an issue in his security, and he had no idea personally how to find it. He had given a couple of his guards the duty to find it. While these guards were very good, they had no idea how to deal with a place like this. You couldn't just accost customers it wasn't good for business.

“Agent Anderson please?”

“This is she.”

“Having any luck with your superiors? This is Ranger and I was just checking.”

“About what we expected.”

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