Page 13 of Ranger

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“Yes, she was, and she would like to take down the elder one as well. We were trying to come up with a plan, but I don't believe she's going to get support from her bosses.” Ranger replied.

“It's not unusual for our government to fail to support those who work for them or even at times people they have solicited for assistance. I imagine she's going to be very upset.”

“She already is. Agent Anderson sees the way things are going and she doesn't like it. Unfortunately, she's not in a position of authority and there's no higher power she can appeal to.”

“What are you going to do?” Toni asked.

“I suspect the first thing I need to do is call in an attorney at international law. After that, we will use the information and advice that he gives us to try to make a decision on what we can reasonably do ourselves. From the information I have already gathered, we can do a lot. I already have a detective on this case, but a lot of his work was watching Zaya and trying to get a little bit of information on Joe senior. Now that Zaya has been dealt with, we'll move on to Joe. Of course, we still need to be on guard so that he can't cause us any trouble.”

“That is a lot to see to. it's even worse when you consider all the projects we have going on. I hope you are a good delegator.”

“Honestly, I never have been before, but I've been trying to learn.” His radio buzzed.

The look on his face would be funny under other circumstances. Usually, he managed to hide those things very well but this time it showed her something else had gone wrong. She could only hear bits and pieces of the conversation, but it sounded like more trouble. Ranger spoke a few minutes and then came back to her.

“What now?”

“We have some of what you would call dissidents in our country. They do nothing good, most of them steel rather than work, and now they're trying to take over the country so they can enslave the population and live like despots. Two of them were captured when they tried to rob the casino bank. Those idiots will never learn until they're completely taken out. They refused to give up and had to be shot. Neither were injured seriously.” Ranger explained.

“I take it that this is not a new problem.”

“No, but they have become more violent over the last few years and willing to kill to get what they want."

“They sound suicidal. The guards here are well armed and now I realize why you have such a large number of them.” Toni admitted.

“It won't be long, and we'll have no secrets left from you.”

“Too many secrets are never a good thing. One thing they do is prevent you from getting help when you need it.” She hoped he realized she was right because she thought there were still a few secrets that needed told.

“I must go and take control of the situation. Tomorrow maybe a hard day. Perhaps you might want to go home and catch up on your sleep or spend a little time with your brother.”

“You're right. David was pretty shook up about that kidnapping attempt. But I'm not sure if he's off work or not.”

“His place is right by yours so the only way to know is by going by and knocking on his door.” Ranger suggested.

“I'll see you later.”

He leaned over and kissed her, and she could feel his eyes on her as he watched her walk away. Being around Ranger and his people would be an adventure. She had not been to see the dragon since she'd met him, but she had thought a lot about him. There was no doubt he was intelligent, but he reminded her of Ranger. She'd read somewhere, that people could take all the characteristics of a well beloved pet or companion so maybe that was what had happened. Her mother had had a horrific allergy to pet hair of any kind, so they never had a pet growing up. She'd always loved animals.

The issue later had been they've had no money, had to live in a rented apartment where there were strict rules about pets, David hadn't been responsible enough to take care of a pet, and she was always busy so it would have been neglected. The more things changed the more they stayed the same because she didn't have the time for a pet now either. Her job was demanding, and she intended to give Ranger’s people the best that she could.

She was closing his door after she had just left him when someone came from out of nowhere. The guy tried to strike up a conversation, but she had no desire to speak to him. His smell had preceded him, and he didn't look like someone anyone would want to spend time with.

“Hey there sweetheart. Isn't that the manager's room? What you doing in there?” He chuckled and acted as if he had already figured it out.

Toni just tried to move on faster, but the guy just sped up as well. “No need to be a snob. Why don't you let me buy you a drink?”

“I have an appointment but thank you for asking.”

She was just praying now that she could get away from this guy. It worried her and she thought what would he do to keep her? What did he really want from her? Whatever it was, he wasn't going to get it. Toni pressed her panic button. that meant someone would be here soon. Was this the way it would always be going from one problem to the next? She had run out of places to go on this floor, so she had to get in the elevator, and it was pretty obvious to her that he was going to jump in too.

That was exactly what happened, and the smell was horrible. It was so bad she wondered if he had done it on purpose. But what possible reason would he have done that for? The smell was bad. and he had to be able to smell that himself. She didn't understand how he could possibly stand that. The elevator stopped on her floor, and she got out and walked toward the far end of the hall because she did not want to stop in front of her door with this guy with her. After she made it to the end of the hall she turned around and decided to try David.

“Is this your room?” The guy wondered. “Are you going to ask me in?”

She knocked and David answered. he looked at the guy following her around in surprise. “Who is this guy?”

“I have no idea he's just been following me around.” Toni replied.

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