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“Excuse me,” someone waves from the counter, sounding annoyed while holding a runner’s belt and several packets of GU. She shakes them and scowls at me. “I’ve been waiting forever and would really like to buy this.”

I search for Rachel, finding her at the treadmill watching a customer’s gait and sigh, not even finding myself capable to scowl at her. She wouldn’t even notice anyway.

I smack on my best smile and stride towards the cash register. “Let me help you with that.” I take the belt and packets and ring them up quickly. “Did you find everything alright?” I ask while glancing at Rachel, who casts me a devious smile.

One point Rachel,I think while my fake smile softens into a real one.


I grab my bag in the stock room and watch Rachel shrug into her denim jacket. She seems to be avoiding my gaze. I’m quite shocked she was able to pull off today at all. Maybe she won’t be leaving the store any time soon. I watch her clock out and quickly leave.She’s not even going to wait for me?I stuff my time card into the archaic looking device and run after her.Why isn’t she waiting for me?

Better yet, why am I running after her?

“Hey!” I shout, running faster when she doesn’t pause. “Wait up!”

“What do you want?” She asks, not bothering to look at me. She stuffs her hands into her jean jacket and keeps her head down against the wind.

I slow when I catch up to her. “What? We’re heading in the same place,” I say while gesturing in front of us.

Rachel laughs bitterly. “Doesn’t mean we have to talk to each other.”

I shrug. “There’s a party going on tonight. The guys and I are going. You could come along… too.” I cringe at how awkward I sound.What the hell is wrong with me?

Rachel is already shaking her head. “I can’t. I have that big project I’m working on for photography. I still have no clue what theme to pick or what to do for it exactly.”

“I could… help you,” I say and immediately regret it. What the hell am I even saying? I’m an asshole. She thinks I’m an asshole. Why am I being so nice? I feel like a puppy begging for attention from its master. And all for a kiss.A stupid little kiss that means absolutely nothing,I remind myself.

She looks at me then and I feel my face heat when my eyes go to her lips. I remember them feeling soft, her tongue like velvet as it brushed against mine. She raises an eyebrow at me. “You can help me?” She chuckles. “And how exactly can you help me, Garcia? Art isn’t even your thing.”

I try to think of something to reply with, but my mind is already carrying me far away, imagining her moans as I suck on her tongue, nip at her bottom lip. I imagine my hands playing with her nipples, her head thrown back in bliss.

I clear my throat when she continues staring at me and quickly say, “I know Aurora. Aurora is beautiful.” I wave a hand around us at the houses we walk pass. “And I love Colorado. I’m sure there’s something there you can take a picture of.”

Rachel shakes her head. “I doubt you could help me.” She looks at the sky and sighs. “Most likely you’re just going to take me somewhere, leave me out in the woods to defend myself against rabid wolves and drunk homeless men.” I grimace at the imagery. “And then I’ll fail my photography class.”

“Why would I do that?” I ask. “I’m an asshole, but I’m not pure evil.”

Rachel shrugs. “You haven’t been the nicest as of yet.”

“Scouts honor,” I say, holding up two fingers.

Rachel laughs, covering her mouth with one dainty hand. “I doubt you’ve even been a boy scout.”

I shrug. “You’d be correct.”

“Then no deal.”

We’re coming up to the apartment. At least a ten minute walk away when I get a dirty little idea. “First one home then,” I say with a wink.

She throws her hands up in the air. “No, not another challenge.”

“First one home wins. And if I win you have to join me on a tour of the town.”

Rachel shakes her head. “No.”

“Yes,” I say, laughing and bolting ahead.

I feel the wind under my feet. I don’t even bother looking back, already knowing I’m flying so far ahead of her while she’s stuck in the back. I reach the staircase easily and when I turn around I see her in the distance, gasping to keep up with that heavy backpack on her shoulders. Her cheeks and nose are pinked from the chill air. Her nose is scrunched up in irritation.Probably because she lost. Again.

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