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She stops in front of me, slumping over with her bag sliding off her shoulders and onto the sidewalk. “Damnit,” she says between gasps.

“I win!” I shout while raising my arms into the air in victory.

She inhales deeply while straightening herself. “You promise not to leave me out in the middle of the woods?”

“I promise to make sure you are returned home safely,” I say, holding out a hand which she takes and shakes firmly.

“Next Saturday,” she says without breaking eye contact.

I nod curtly. “Next Saturday.”

We walk up the stairs together and there’s a bounce in my step. I’m going to spend a whole day with Rachel. Rachel with the soft lips and the cute freckles. Rachel, the art girl with small breasts and a nice ass. And I’m completely excited.

I must be dying.

Something must be seriously wrong with me.

I unlock the door and find Hunter in the kitchen, trying to make a protein shake with one hand while Lucas sits on the couch playing Mario Kart on the TV.

“Hey,” says Lucas, waving one hand at us. He smiles softly and I glance at Rachel, seeing her return the smile.

My heart falls and all excitement leaves me.

Before I can say anything to Lucas, or Rachel, I catch Hunter’s scowl out of the corner of my eye, aimed in my direction. “You,” he says, pointing at me with his bandaged broken hand. “You were the one making all that fucking noise this morning.”

I roll my eyes and throw my jacket onto the couch before sidling up next to him to pour myself a glass of water. “So?” I ask with a shrug.

“Why can’t you keep it down?” He groans. “Just for once.”

I give him a dark scowl. “Why are you whining like a pussy?”

“I’m in pain you asshole,” says Hunter, shoving pass me and down his shake with one long chug.

“Are you sure you should be going out tonight?” asks Rachel from the couch. She’s sitting next to Lucas. Too close. Like thigh brushing thigh close.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” asks Hunter, slamming his glass down on the counter.

“Hunter,” I say in a warning voice. The way he’s speaking to Rachel is completely uncalled for. Sure, he’s in pain, but he doesn’t have to take it out on all of us. Especially Rachel, since she’s just showing her concern.

“You just,” she waves at him while trying to find words, “don’t look like you feel too well. It’s okay to take a break every now and then.”

“Oh, shut the fuck up,” mutters Hunter as he walks towards his door. “Who asked that bitch anyway,” he adds before slamming his door close.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair.Maybe he should talk to someone.My gaze lingers on the door as a dark thought enters me.Maybe he’s going through withdrawal.I stare at Hunter’s door, wonderingifhe’s going to be alright. A broken hand isn’t good, but it’ll heal pretty quickly. But his shoulder has been messed up for over a year now and Hunter still isn’t treating it with the attention it needs. He’s going to tear it if he’s not careful. If it isn’t torn already.

“Ignore him,” says Lucas. “He’s had it pretty rough today.” He hands Rachel a controller and smiles at her. “Play with me?”

I step forward, instantly needing to wedge myself between them. I tell myself I’m just irritated that the bastard didn’t ask me to play, but really that doesn’t make any sense. Rachel is sitting too close to him. Lucas is actually smiling at her. And she’s not even undressing. She’s fully dressed, sitting next to him, playing video games. Very poorly I might add. But still, he’s still smiling at her. Practically cuddling with her. In front of me.

It’s nothing. Stop being so weird,I tell myself while striding towards my room.Still. They look like the perfect couple.



It’s Saturday and I still can’t believe I’m going out with Seth. Or that he even offered. Which is weird in itself. The whole week has gone by like a complete blur with Hunter mopey around the flat and Lucas casting me little smiles here and there. I still can’t get the idea of kissing Lucas and Seth out of my head.I kissed both of them. On the same day.Part of me feels completely mortified by the idea of kissing two boys within a span of a few hours. I have never done that before. Sure, I’ve kissed boys here and there and gone out on a few dates. I’m no virgin Mary. But I’m also not the type to go from sleeping with one guy one day and another guy the next day.

Not like that’s a bad thing or anything.

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