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"I'dliketo feel sorry for him, I really would, but it's a stretch right now," I remarked. "Why didn't we pack a picnic or something?"

"We'll know for next time," Knox said.

"There has to be a next time," I snapped. "But isn't it your jobs to know where dragons would be?"

"Dragons don't always stay put," Bain said. "This one has come a long way in search of food."

"So it's not going to give up until it’s dead," Knox said. "Or we are."

"As far as I can tell, yes, that’s right," Bain agreed.

"We should have brought a spare horse," I muttered. "I can shove the dragon, but I don't think anything I can do would kill it." With a bow, I might get a shot right through its eye, but with the power— I might as well be powerless.

"Greg, where's that gun?" Slade asked.

"Here, boss." Greg sidled around the car, past me, and handed Slade a gun.

Don't ask me what kind of gun, I know nothing about them. This one fit in Slade's tattooed hand and probably fired off a bunch of bullets.

"Witch made bullets," Slade said, as if reading my mind.

I blinked in surprise. I didn't even know what was a thing.

"Let me guess, they don't break apart on impact," I said. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

"Something like that." Slade brought the gun up and pointed at the dragon.

I held my breath and willed the dragon to fly away now, while he could.Save yourself, buddy, I thought.Come on, off you go.

Either the dragon couldn’t read minds, or he ignored me. The result was the same.

The gigantic dragon blocked out half the sky.

The gun fired and Slade jerked back with the recoil.

The dragon twisted in midair and the shot went wide.

Slade shot again. The dragon's twist put it right in the path of the second bullet. It struck the creature's side and disappeared in a cloud of blood.

The dragon screamed in pain and rage. The sound was so piercing I had to clap my hands over my ears.

Bain said something which sounded like, “Good shot," but I couldn't fully make it out.

The dragon circled again, wings beating frantically. Damn, the animal was more stubborn than I was. And that was saying something.

Slade raised the gun again and fired off another shot.

I have to admit that, even though I'm not a fan of guns, it was kinda hot in his hands. Maybe it was the tattoos. Maybe it was the fact he was saving our asses.

Either way, the shot took the dragon in the head. It fell into a spiral and started to drop from the sky.




"Fuck," I said as we all scattered away from the car. I was vaguely aware of Knox grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him. Bain was right on my heels, Slade with him.

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