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"Shit! They're shooting at us!" If I had an ego, I might think that shot was aimed at me, specifically, but I didn't need that kind of negativity in my life.

I looked back. The bikes were closer now, but so far only one rider held a gun. I wasn't sure if that was really stupid, or if I should be impressed they could ride one handed. It looked like something out of an action movie.

I wasn't impressed a moment later when that gun was aimed straight at me.

Before they could shoot, I drew in a bunch of power from my bag of petals and wrapped it around the gunman's bike. I lifted it straight up off the road.

The shot went wide, but unfortunately didn't take out either of the rider's friends. At least it didn't hit me ormyfriends.

Small mercies I guess.

The power stretched, but I couldn't hold it at the speed we were going. Hades only knew what I was thinking, lifting it up like that in the first place. I did the only thing I could. I dropped the bike.

It, and its rider, hit the road with a bone shaking crash. Bone breaking too, I guessed, if the rider lived that long.

"Oops." I bit my lip.

A moment later the wreck burst into flames.

What do you know? I didn't think that happened in real life. With any luck, it would deter the other two riders from continuing their pursuit.

I was halfway to thinking they might stop and go home, when they started to gain on us again.

Persistent bastards.

"We could try pulling over and asking what they want," I shouted. "They might only need directions." After all, they wouldn't have a map app to follow either.

Bain rumbled like he was laughing. "Doubtful," he shouted back. "Look out, they both have guns now!"

He swerved to make it harder to hit us, then slowed to drop behind Knox. For a moment I wondered why. Then I realised, side by side, it would be easier for a bullet to hitsomeone.

The fact I was right at the back didn't exactly make me comfortable. Still, I drew more power and made a kind of barricade behind me. Not exactly a bubble like witches could make, but it would do.

A gun cracked.

I felt the impact on the barricade, like I would if someone punched my helmet. It didn't hurt, but it gave me a jolt. The bullet weakened the barricade, but it would hold for a while longer.

I thought quickly. I couldn't hold the power in place and pick up another bike at the same time. If I dropped my shield, I'd be vulnerable to a shot from the other rider.

"If we could lose one, I could take care of the other one," I shouted.

Bain nodded. He swerved to one side, then the other.

Knox glanced over his shoulder and frowned.

Bain shouted something I couldn't hear.

Knox called out a few words to Wesley, who shook his head vigorously.

Knox spoke again.

Wesley shook his head, but less vehemently this time. He reached for the lyaer which was in a case hung over his shoulder.

I stared in disbelief as he threw the instrument.

It landed on the road, bounced a few times, then struck one of the pursuing bikes.

Time stopped.

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