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I kept an eye out for dragons or baddies, while keeping my nose near the dried petals in a bag hung around my neck.



We roaredout of the city and onto open roads.

The thrum of the bike between my legs vibrated through my body and reached my core.

I shifted position and tried to think of anything but the guys. The blur of the world flying past, the smoothness of the tarred roads, contrary to Gwendolyn's complaints. Anything.

Eventually I gave up and surrendered to the sensation.

I leaned against Bain, so my breasts pressed against his back. My thighs pressed against his black-clad legs. I closed my eyes.

At first, the vibrations sent a gentle tingle through my body. Gradually, warmth rose, starting in my pussy and winding up into my core. Blood raced through me faster than the countryside slid past.

I bit my lip to hold back a moan, and closed my eyes again. I shifted, so the vibration hit closer to my clit.

Fucking Hades, even my feet started to tingle. My breath came in soft pants. I rolled my hips, bucking against the seat.

My hands gripped Bain harder as an orgasm washed through me, from the tips of my toes, through my pussy, and all the way to the top of my head.

A cry slipped out between my lips. I bit it down a moment later and rode the rest of the wave for every drop I could get.

"Are you okay back there?" Bain glanced back.

I realised I was gripping him a bit too tight and loosened my hold a little. Honestly I might have fallen off if I wasn't clinging to him so hard.

"I'm fine. Thanks," I called back. The wind whipped at the words, but he nodded that he'd heard.

I couldn't see his face, but I swear he was smiling. Of course he was. I just came on the back of his motorbike on themotherfuckingroad.

And I had no regrets. I needed something to take the pressure off. Not all of it; Bain's body was too firm for one little orgasm to take away all the lust, but the edge was a bit less sharp.

I glanced over my shoulder. If Knox or Wesley saw anything funny, I saw no sign of it.

I forgot all about it a moment later when I spotted something on the road behind them. Two somethings. No, three.

"There are three more bikes behind us," I shouted.

Bain swerved the bike a little and his body stiffened. He said something; I assumed he swore, but couldn't make it out clearly.


I hoped he'd say they were out for a ride, for fun. I mean, they might be, but his reaction said otherwise.

"Hold on," he shouted.

I squeezed tighter than ever.

The bike roared and the world flew by faster than it already was. I assumed there was no speed limit here. I hadn't noticed any signs. If there were, I suspected Bain would get away with ignoring them.

The further we got from the city, the flatter the land became. Harder to lay an ambush, said every fantasy book I ever read. That didn't seem to deter the riders behind us.

Knox drew up alongside and he exchanged quick nods with Bain.

I don't know if they had something planned, but it all went to Hades a moment later when something went crack and a tiny projectile flew past my head.

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