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I grinned. "Really?"

Bain looked uncomfortable before he said, "We did rock, paper, scissors."

I burst out laughing at the mental image of two grown men playing a game like that. Over me.

"Let me guess, you made a rock?"

"Every time," he replied.

"I am not even slightly surprised," I said. "It's good to know, too." I filed away that information for future use. "I guess Knox chose scissors?"

"He did," Bain replied.

That was interesting too. I would have thought he was more of a paper kinda guy. It just goes to show how little I really knew about him.

We hurried into the Residence's wide garage and Bain stashed his small bag and mine onto the back of his motorbike.

Knox and Wesley walked in a couple of minutes later.

"I told him he can't bring all of that stuff," Knox said.

Bain turned. "You can't bring all that stuff."

Wesley pouted. "But I need all of this stuff."

He sure did have a lot of shit. A big bag, his lyaer, a…pillow?

"Then you can stay behind," Bain said.

Wesley sighed. "I suppose I can travel without my pillow."

Bain stared at him.

"And I could leave a few items behind."

"Yeah." Bain handed me a helmet and jammed his onto his head. "Be quick. He swung his leg over his bike and straightened it up so I could do the same.

Without hesitation, I wound my arms around his waist and leaned against him. He felt warm and strong. Safe.

I looked over to Knox, who waited patiently, but with a long suffering expression on his face. For a moment, he reminded me of his brother. They held themselves in the same way, and both had the same squarish chin and ridiculously long lashes. Where Devlin was an open book, Knox was a closed encyclopaedia. I barely scratched the surface with him, but I wanted to. I would be just as happy riding Knox—behind Knox, as I would riding behind Bain.

Knox realised I was watching and gave me a quick smile. He was certainly easier with those than Bain was. The fact didn't make him better, as such, just different. Both guys had my attention in a vice.

I smiled back until Wesley finally handed Knox a bag with about two thirds what it held before.

Knox shook his head, but fastened it in place anyway. He climbed onto his bike and waited for Wesley to scramble up awkwardly behind him.

"All right, let's go." Bain started the bike and we roared out the open garage door.

The guards jumped to open the gates and salute as we passed through. No one moved to attack us when we reached the streets.

If anything, it looked perfectly normal. That should make me suspicious, but I trusted in Bain and Dex when they said everything was dealt with.

I looked back to see Knox and Wesley close behind, but no one else seemed to be following.

Of course, that didn't mean they weren't.

Bain turned the bike to the north and headed down off the top of the hill, deeper into the rest of the city.

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