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"She might not have known what he was," Zophia reasoned. "He wouldn't be the first man to lie."

"That's true, but she told me my father was dead. As far as I know, my full brother wasn't a freak like me."

"I hate to suggest your mother cheated—"

"Then don't," I said sourly. "I'm sorry,” I added a moment later. "It's a lot to take in." I'd tried not to think about it on the way back to the Residence. I had no idea how I was supposed to get any real answers, unless Comus popped back, some other god turned up, or I developed the ability to— I don't know, what do gods do? Create worlds? Destroy them? If the statues were to be believed, I should be able to take in a cock the size of the Eiffel Tower without splitting in two.

That was something to look forward to.

Zophia patted my knee. "When you get back, and all the tigers are dealt with, go and talk to your mother. I'll come with you if you want. Or the guys will. Get some answers. If you don't, you'll spend the rest of your life wondering."

"Or in denial," I said. "Denial is good. I've always managed to get by with help from that."

"That doesn't sound healthy," Zophia drawled.

"Of course it is," I joked. "Denial and alcohol. They go hand in hand. Like train and wreck. And car and crash."

Zophia shook her head and laughed softly. "You are none of those things. You will get to the bottom of all of this, and you'll feel better for knowing."

"You're very wise," I said. Although I doubted if I could speak to my mother. Or that she'd give me answers.

"Yes, I am," she agreed.

"I should finish packing," I said. I went to stand, but before I did I had a thought.

"What if Zeus is my father? He has a reputation for not being able to keep it in his pants." But my thoughts went further. "What if he's the father of all hemitheos? Helene would be my sister. That tiger yesterday…" I sank back down. "That would really give new meaning to ‘dysfunctional family’."

"It really would, but I think you're getting ahead of yourself somewhat," Zophia said. "Your father might be a lesser god. One with a lower profile than Zeus."

"Or just a paranormal with weird abilities," I said bitterly. "That would back up the witches' claim that I have tainted blood."

"Hey." Zophia put a hand on mine. "Your blood isnottainted. They're just jealous of your abilities." She cocked her head. "What can the average witch do, anyway? Apart from making cups that don't break."

"They can make protective bubbles." I pointed skyward as though the Vault was under a visible dome. “They can make those around themselves too, for a while. They can move things around and create illusions, but only under the right conditions, or with incantations."

"Or power infused artefacts?" Zophia asked.

"Right. Some can draw power directly via an object, but others need another witch to have filled the object with power for them. It's time consuming and unwieldy."

"Let me guess, those who can use an object as a conduit hold the most influence in the Council?"

"Traditionally, yes," I agreed. "The ability is often hereditary, so the position of Covener is too."

"That would explain why they don't like you," Zophia said slowly. "And why there was a rumour you'd overthrow them. Your power leaves them in the dust."

"Since I'm not a witch after all, they have nothing to worry about." My tone was drier than a creek bed during a drought.

"Unless the other witches decide they'd prefer you. Your mother was a witch and you're strong. That's all some people need." She looked contemplative.

"I'm not going to stage a coup," I said firmly. "And I'm not going to be a pawn in someone else's coup. I'm starting to think the paranormals who live in the Vault have too much time on their hands. If you're not seeking trouble, you're thinking about making it." I was only half teasing.

Zophia smiled, totally unashamed. "It helps to pass the time. Besides, I miss all the fun. Fox attacks, tiger attacks, dragons swooping. Can I help if I live vicariously through you?"

"Is that a rhetorical question? I'm sure Dex could find you some danger, if that's what you want." Personally, I could use a bit of boredom for a day or two.

"Oh no." Zophia waved her hand. "I don't want to beinit. I'm happy to wait and hear about it afterward."

"Yeah, me too," I agreed. All of the drama and danger was good at finding me, even if I tried to avoid it. "If we sit here for long enough, Bain might go to Bloodstone Point without me."

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