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She sniffed.

"Anyway,” Devlin downed the last of his wine and placed the empty glass on the table, "I'm weary. I'd like to rest for the rest of the night."

"Of course," Dex jumped to his feet and almost spilled the wine in his glass. "I'll show you the way."

Devlin held up a hand. "No need. Bain can escort me. Can't you, Bain?" His expression was guarded.

"Of course, Alpha," I said politely. My heart raced. There had to be a reason he singled me out. It might only be because he knew me, and Dex trusted me. He also might want me isolated so he could eviscerate me.


"Sit down, Dex," Devlin said. "Enjoy the company of these two beautiful women."

"Okay, Alpha," Dex said and smiled at Calista, then more broadly at Viva. He'd never made any secret of his attraction to her. More than that, he wanted her, body, heart and mind, even if that meant sharing her with me. The idea of him touching her, kissing her, should have driven me crazy, but I found it arousing. She deserved to be caressed and cared for.

I caught Knox's expression. He seemed to be thinking the same thing I was. The pair of them got close during the time they spent together with the hemitheos. I hadn't realised until now the extent of his feelings for her.

He must have realised I was watching, because he drew his expression tight.

Who was he hiding his emotions from? I wondered. Me, Dex, Viva, or Devlin? Or all four? He had good reason to keep his thoughts to himself, but I suspected he'd want to avoid sharing them with his brother more than anyone else. Devlin had a habit of trying to take things his brother had, if he decided he wanted them too.

Alternatively, Devlin might see Knox and a woman with Viva's power as a threat to his leadership. At best, he could ban them from being together. At worst, he could have one or both executed or exiled.

None were great options.

When Devlin took long strides toward the door, I followed, hands folded behind my back.

At the last moment, he stopped and moved to the side so I could open the door. If anyone staged an attack, I would bear the brunt of it.

I delved into the minds of those gathered near the door, but none planned to make a move. Not right now anyway.

I nodded to the Alpha, who stepped out behind me and ignored the faces around him.

I scanned them, committing to memory who was pissed off and who was indifferent.

Undoubtedly some were relieved to be able to move away from their place in the corridor. They couldn't afford to leave before the Alpha, but that didn't mean they weren't bored to tears.

None paid me much attention, which was how I liked it. I didn't need, or want, to be the centre of attention. I was happy to leave that to Dex and Devlin.

We moved away from the audience room and down to where the corridor was empty.

"Did my wife try something?" Devlin asked.

Thank Hades the question didn't take me by surprise.

"Try something?" I echoed. I wasn't going to stick more than a toe in the water until I knew he was talking about the same thing I was.

"Did she try to seduce you?" he asked bluntly.

I swallowed. "Yes, Alpha. I declined." A flash of anger radiated from him, but I wasn't sure if I was the target or Gwendolyn.

"You don't find her attractive?" Devlin asked.

That was a trap if I ever heard one.

"I find her married," I said diplomatically. "My loyalty is with you."

Devlin nodded. "Just as well. I'll have any man who touches her castrated."

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