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Seth fixed his gaze on Gwendolyn. "How do I know you're sincere?"

"How do you know Viva is?" Gwendolyn asked. Her expression was pure murder, aimed all at me.

"Because revenge is a strong motivation," I said. “It drives me. What drives you? Nothing better to do?” I was poking the hornet’s nest, but I was over the finger pointing.

Gwendolyn flinched.

Really, that's why you're doing this?Is this some twisted version of theReal Housewives of the Vault, or some crap like that?

"It's not from boredom," she said finally. "This is our birthright. We have power the rest of the world hasn't seen in thousands of years. We should be treated like gods. Wearegods."

"Then why do you care if they escaped?" I asked. "Surely us gods can just hunt them down or something."

"We have more important things to do," she snapped. "We have a world to rule."

"What if the world doesn't want you?" I asked easily. "Or me? Or Seth? The world has a way of not knowing what's good for it."

"It will learn," she said. "And so will you. First, you'll learn to bow to me, and do as I tell you."

I snorted. "Sorry, not gonna happen. I didn't listen to Helene." That was mostly true. I did what she made me do, but I learnt willingly because I needed to. "I'm not going to listen to you."

Without warning, she slapped me hard across the face.

The blow forced me back a few steps.

Before I could even think to react, Gwendolyn was lifted off her feet.

Seth stared up at her, brow creased in concentration. He floated her all the way to the ceiling and pinned her there.

"What are you—" She grunted as he shoved a gag of power into her mouth.

At least, that was what I assumed happened.

She looked outraged.

"I am tired of you," Seth told her. "Viva is right, the world won't follow you. The Vault won't. They've seen years of your arrogance. It's time to end this."

Her eyes widened. She shook her head and wriggled against her invisible bonds.

"Seth—" Before I could even think what to say, the air resounded with a crack.

Gwendolyn slumped before Seth dropped her lifeless body to the floor.

Judging by the angle of her head, he'd snapped her neck.

I winced.

Seth dusted his hands on each other. "She was a liability anyway. Far too emotional to do what needs to be done. She was useful for her connection to the former Alpha. But now—" He nodded toward her corpse.

"Right. She got you in the door." I'd seen dead people before, but somehow this was different. He hadn't even given her the chance to defend herself. Ruthlessness definitely ran in their family, along with an unhealthy tinge of slightly nuts. Witches and hemitheos weren't so different.

Or maybe it was power hungry people who were alike. Either way.

"That she did," Seth agreed. "I'm not sure I believe she helped Devlin to get out the door. Do you have any idea where they went?"

I looked at him in surprise. "Me? I wouldn't have the foggiest idea. I hardly know Devlin."

"But you know Dex," Seth said. "Did he mention a place he liked to go? A hideaway in the city for assignations no one could know about?"

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