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Even if they were listening, they must know we'd try to escape at some point. If they thought we'd comply, they would have approached us and asked nicely. I wished they had. I would have enjoyed telling them to fuck off. There was nothing reasonable about stuffing us into the back of a truck. Or firing on us to begin with. Or, well, any of the things they'd done to us in the last couple of weeks.

"Remind me to have Dex invest in some bazookas," Bain said.

I frowned at him. "Oh, the weapon. Yeah, those would be useful about now."

"What did you think I meant?" he asked.

"Bazookas," I said. "It's slang for breasts, in the outside world."

Bain snorted a laugh. "Of course it is. Isn't everything slang for some body part?"

"Not everything,” I said. "Some things are slang for toilets."

"Humans are so classy." Bain chuckled.

"Humans, witches, demons, shifters that don't live in the Vault," I said. "It's reasonably universal."

"I suppose it is," he agreed. "To think, we evolved from animals, and this is as far as we got."

"Maybe hemitheos is the next step in evolution," I suggested.

"I hope not," Bain said, "since they seem to lack manners. Present company excluded, of course."

"I'm glad you added that," I said. "Or I would have had to figure out where your groin is so I could punch you there." I stopped, shook my head at myself and laughed. "I think I just illustrated your point."

"Nah, you were just sticking up for yourself," he said. "There's a difference."

"Possibly." I shrugged. "You're right though. The hemitheos I've met have all been entitled douchebags."

"I might go so far as to say douchecanoes," Bain said. "Like a douchebag, but worse."

"Right. That's some next level douchery they have going on." I sighed and leaned back. "I hope they can hear us. I'd hate to think they don't know what we think of them. I mean, they might think we want to be friends or something." I tried to smile, but the truth was, the joking was keeping me from sinking in a dark place. Mentally, because I was already in a dark place physically.

Shit, I was losing my mind.

"I need to get out of here," I said in a whisper. "These walls are closing in on me." Usually I could rely on my power to soothe myself. Without it, what did I have?

"It's okay," Bain said, his tone as calm as ever. "I'm right here with you. We'll get out of here. I'll see if we can jimmy the doors open somehow. Or kick them open."

"That won't change the fact we're moving. If we're still in the Vault, we won't be stopping in traffic any time soon." I chewed my lip.

"We can roll," Bain said. "If you can draw with the door open, you should be fine."

"And then what? The truck will reach the city before we do. Hades only knows what their plan is."

I inhaled and tried to figure out what it was that blocked me from drawing. Nothing smelled bad, as such, but the air was stale. That might be all there was to it.

I leaned closer to Bain and inhaled again, but that did nothing except make me feel lightheaded.

"We can sit tight and wait until we get there," Bain suggested.

He made it sound as though we had a viable alternative. I suspected whoever put us in here planned to have us stay until they were ready to let us out.

The door would be shut tight, locked, barred, and Hades only knew what else. They might have a witch made lock on there. If that was the case, nothing would open it but a key. Or power, but that wasn't going to happen. Not unless I could find a way to overcome whatever dampened my senses. I tried again, but I was completely blocked. It was almost as if I was cut off entirely from the power.

No, that wasn't right. I felt it, just out of reach. If I had my pouch of petals, I might push past it. They must have taken them when I was out. They might even be using them for themselves.

Fucking fuckmongers.

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