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Did they not know I had sex with Dash? I wasn't even going to think about Quinton, because nobody knew about that yet and I wanted to keep it that way for at least a few days. Sometimes it sucked that there were never any real secrets between my coven, unless they were secrets the guys were keeping from me, that is. I understood the need for openness but still, sometimes I just needed a little time to process everything before everyone else found out about it.

"What is it that you're so afraid of?" Addison asked in soft voice.

I frowned. Now I'd done it. I was always preaching honesty and absolutely could not lie to either of my twins.

"Well," I drawled, as my wide eyes looked everywhere but at Abel's vibrant green ones that were attempting to pin me to the spot. "Uhh..."

For some dumb reason I couldn't seem to force the words out past my throat.

"It's because there are two of us, isn't it?" Abel concluded, and my eyes shot to his. His green eyes were warm and concerned. "You're afraid of that. Afraid of what it actually means to be with two guys at one time."

The last wasn't a question so much as a statement. He'd figured me out, just like that, and I honestly wasn't surprised by it, because it wasn't normal, wasn't natural. What we had between all of us as a group already wasn't normal or natural. To add the twins in to the mix really made things way out there.

"You're really worried about being with the both of us at the same time?" Addison asked in a hushed voice. "Why ever would you be worried about that, Ariel? You have got to know by now that neither my twin or myself would ever do anything that would hurt you. All you would need to do is say stop and we would. Tell us you're uncomfortable and we'd try something different. Honestly, we've tried to be with girls separately and it has never worked out for us. We both hated it and missed each other. It's almost painful for us to be separated for any amount of time so it just seems natural that we find the right female to put between us. That doesn't mean we've ever actually found someone to take that spot before, because we haven't. We've fooled around with girls at the same time, but it never actually got to the sex stage before. Yeah, we've had sex before but not together like we want to."

Abel frowned deeply at his twin. "You make it sound dirtier, kinkier than it really is when you say it like that."

He kind of had a point.

Addison sighed before kissing my throat sweetly. He gave my hips a light squeeze before one hand slid up underneath my shirt, gliding across my bare skin, not stopping until he hit just above my belly button. His fingers splayed, his thumb gently caressing directly above my belly button. I fought off the urge to wiggle underneath that touch and was proud when no needy sound escaped past my lips.

"We'll take things slow," Addison whispered gently. "Easy. We will find out what works best between the three of us together. Neither of us are going to force you into anything and we know and hope you would never do the same. We will work it out together, figure it out together. The three of us. There's no pressure here, Ariel, not between us. That's not how we want this to work out."

The weight around my shoulders lifted. His words had set me at ease because I knew he spoke absolute truth, for the both of them.

"What exactly did you look up?" Abel asked me in a curious voice.

I swallowed thickly before admitting to them, "Double penetration. Like the kind where both cocks go in one hole. It was really traumatizing, I tell you."

I snapped my mouth shut, not believing I had actually admitted that out loud to the both of them.

Abel sputtered, his face turning red. My mouth dropped open at seeing his eyes widen in shock. I had never seen him in such a state before. They were both always so self-assured and confident.

"Two cocks in one hole," Addison muttered, sounding intrigued. "I've honestly never thought about that before because there's a hole for each of us. Hmm... the possibilities."

Not happening. At least, not for a while. Not for a good long while.

"I've only had sex twice," I blurted out. "And with a different person each time. I don't think I'm ready for anything quite like that and pretty sure I might never ever be. Maybe I will, I’m not going to rule anything out because that would be stupid, but I need you guys to understand just how inexperienced I am. I need you both to understand that and why I need to take my physical relationship with the two of you slower than the rest of the guys because there are, well, two of you. Together."

“Beautiful girl,” Abel muttered. “We love you, we both love you. There’s no time limit on our relationship here. It’s going to take time for all of us to get there. We’re down for taking that time. It will make things more special when we do actually get to the sex.”

That sounded nice and was exactly what I wanted to hear from them.

I melted between them, my body going limp. The fight had gone right out of me and I no longer had a reason to tell them no because they'd now made it clear I had absolutely nothing to worry about with them.

If they had dragged me to one of their beds and gotten handsy with me, I would have been more than willing.

They had other ideas though.

"What brought you to our bedroom, pretty girl?" Abel questioned me in a serious voice, his green eyes warm and curious. The heat was missing from them and I knew the lust had left him entirely.

He was no longer in the mood. My talk and fear of double penetration had taken him right out of it. It was a good thing, too, because I so did not want to be talking about this anymore.

Addison gave my hips a gentle squeeze.

"Pretty girl?" he prompted, having taken the hint his twin was done with the dirty talk and ready to move on with the conversation.

I sighed. "I need to go and get some of my things from Dash's cottage, and I'm not stupid enough to think I can go by myself. I supposedly have bodyguards now, but they are nowhere to be found. I think they've gone off somewhere with Rain and I think I should be upset about that, but I'm not. I have enough guys to keep tabs on that I don't need nor want two more of them to add to the list. Still, part of me is glad Rain has taken them under his wing. That being said, I can't go to the cottage by myself."

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