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The door opened and my Salt twin stood there, half naked, his white hair mussed up and standing in every which way. His face was slightly poofy and I could tell he'd been asleep for a very long time in order for his appearance to be the way it was.

"Hey, pretty girl," he said in a thick voice. "What brings you to our door?"

"Who is it?" Abel called out in a voice very similar to his twin’s. "Tell them to go away so we can go back to bed."

I smiled up at Addison. "Is he always this charming when he first wakes up?" I asked in a sweet voice. It must have carried through the room and to the other twin, because the next thing I knew the door was opened the rest of the way and my Pepper twin stood beside my Salt one. He was also shirtless like his brother and I couldn't help but drop my eyes to his chest and drag them down his body.

"I think she's eye fucking you, twin," Addison whispered in a shocked voice.

"Yeah," Abel said in voice full of pride, "she totally is. It's adorable."

My cheeks heated up and I snapped my head up, aiming for direct eye contact instead of looking... other places.

"I wasn't eye fucking you," I lied.

The problem with my lies was that they were never really believable and I always seem to suck at it. At least when it came to lying face to face. I could actually lie fairly well over the phone. Unless I was speaking to either Quinton or Rain, they could always tell the difference.

The twins both laughed at me and my face grew even redder.

"I wasn't," I lied some more.

"Get in here, pretty girl," Abel ordered, as he grabbed my hand and dragged me into their bedroom. The door closed behind me before I could voice a protest.

"Guys," I said as Abel pulled me into his chest, his forehead going to rest against mine. "I didn't come here for this."

Heat hit my back, the delicious kind that always came with the touch of one of them, letting me know Addison was close and closing in by the second.

Arms wrapped around my waist from behind as Addison pressed his front into my body. They were so big that I was entirely cocooned in their embrace, the outside world having fallen away because I couldn't even see it around their big bodies.

Soft lips pressed to mine and I jumped. My eyes flew open and I hadn't even realized I'd closed them until I was met with the shock of Abel's lips on mine.

His tongue swept out, gliding across my bottom lip, and immediately I opened my mouth to him. A little happy moan escaped me as he slid his tongue inside and kissed me for real.

My arms went around his neck as I kissed him back, hungrily, greedily even, trying to drink as much of him in as I could.

Lips grazed the side of my throat, making my nipples immediately harden.

I turned my head to the side, breaking the kiss and breathing hard. Addison continued to trail soft kisses down my throat as Abel's hands came up to my face and he cupped my cheeks.

"Really," I panted. "This is not what I came here for. I had a reason."

I did have a reason, didn't I? I swear there was something I needed to do, but my brain seemed to be in a bit of a fog at the moment, clouded over with lust.

"You didn't come here so we could have our wicked way with you?" Addison asked in a voice full of fake hurt.

I really hadn't, I knew that much for certain. My brain was still trying to play catch up with my body and the fact I'd not only had sex with Dash, but now Quinton as well. Just because I'd had sex with two people absolutely did not mean I was ready to have sex with two people at the same time, because there was no way I was ready forthat.I wasn't sure I'deverbe ready for that. They were a package deal though, so eventually I had to wrap my brain around it. It wasn't likely to happen any time soon, because I had very stupidly Googled some things that had turned out to be slightly scary and I couldn't help but be mad at myself because I had been too stupid to think about how actual sex with them would work out.

I had gone down a very scary, perverted rabbit hole with my good buddy, Google. I had very innocently looked up threesomes and clicked on images. Going to Googlefor my problems and to absolve my curiosity had been my first mistake. My second mistake had been reading some of the captions from the photos. Mythirdandfinalmistake I'd made with my no longer friend, Google, had been looking up images of double penetration. I had been scarred for life and was pretty sure I wasn't ever going back again.

It was one thing if you had a hole for everyone's... cocks. It was an entirely different thing when they stuck both in the same hole. That shit lookedpainfuland I was fairly certain that no matter the amount of love I had for them, my Salt and Pepper twins would never ask for and receive that. I knew I needed to talk to them about it eventually so that we could do the adult-like thing and discuss what we were comfortable with and what we weren't. I figured it would be something I really needed to do with them, because there were two of them and our relationship would never be normal. We would need to be open and honest between the three of us for it all to work out peacefully.

I sucked in a sharp breath and blurted out in a rush, "I don't think I'm ready to have sex with the both of you at the same time. It's actually kind of... scary to think about."

I snapped my mouth shut and probably would have run away from the both of them if they hadn't been surrounding me and holding on so tightly. Their arms only got tighter after hearing my confession. They weren't going anywhere and I wasn't either, because they were holding me in place, keeping me from running away screaming.

"You don't have to have sex with us, pretty girl," Addison mumbled against my throat. "If you're not ready then you're not ready and that's okay with us."

"Totally," Abel spoke softly with his face pressed against my neck, the side his brother didn't already have his face in, of course. "We'd never push you and we're willing to wait however long it takes for you to be ready."

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