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"Quinton," I choked out in shock, as I tried to cover the front of my body up with my hands.

It was no use. "What do you think you're doing?"

He pushed up against the front of my body with his and his hands slid down my sides, over my ribs and down. He stopped at my hips but only so he could tug on my panties. My hips jerked as they gave off a tearing sound and were ripped off my body. Quinton tossed them to the side.

"I want to be pissed," he murmured, as he shoved his face in my neck. I shivered as his tongue slid along the underside of my jaw. "That Dash had you first. But I can't do it because that bastard deserves good things in his life more so than the rest of us."

That was sweet, sort of.

"Does it really matter who I had sex with first?" I asked in a quiet voice. It didn't matter to me, but he seemed to care a whole lot about it.

"It doesn't really matter," he said. "But you know by now just how competitive I am and you knew I'd have something to say about this."

He was right, damn it, he was right.

I put my hands on his face and lifted it to mine. I stared into his dark, dark brown eyes that were filled with a fire that set my insides ablaze.

"It's not a competition," I told him in a quiet, but serious voice. "And you damn well know it. If you're upset because I had sex with Dash, then how are you going to feel when I have sex with the others too?"

His lips curved up in a dangerous smirk. "Are you already planning on having sex with the others?" he countered.

Wasn't that obvious?

"I thought that was the plan. Isn't that what you do when you're in a relationship with someone, eventually things get physical?"

"Things are about to get physical right now," he joked. Or, at least I thought he was joking.

I should have known better.

Quinton’s hands slid around to my butt and down. He crouched and lifted me up by my thighs, catching me by surprise and making me let out an embarrassingly girly squeal. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I circled his waist with my legs, clinging to him.

He carried me to the fancy two seater couch on the other side of the closet and laid me down on my back on it, while I was still wrapped around him.

His mouth came down on mine in a searing kiss. I cupped the back of his head, cradling him to me, and tangling my fingers in his hair while he continued to kiss me.

He broke the kiss, pulling away from me and sitting up enough to drag his shirt up his chest and over his head. He tossed it to the side and came back to me. The silver from his nipple rings glittered in the light for a moment before he curved his body back over mine. His mouth came back to mine as his hands went to my breasts. He cupped them with both hands, his thumbs immediately moving to my nipples.

I moaned into his mouth as his thumbs ghosted over my nipples in a touch that was barely there and gone before I'd had enough of it. I arched my back into his touch and his lips left mine.

He chuckled as he kissed down the column of my throat.

He sat up and untangled my limbs from around him. My arms fell to my sides and my legs dropped down to the couch on either side of him.

He stood up and kicked off his cowboy boots, one after the other. He used his foot to toe them to the side and out of the way. He watched me with a look of hunger on his face that stole my breath away when his hands dropped down to his belt. He didn't waste time on a slow, seductive show. With deft fingers he unlocked his belt, flicked the button, and unzipped his pants. He shucked them down his legs, taking his boxers, if he was wearing any, with them. He bent over and pulled his pants off from his feet and tossed them behind him.

I had a second to take in his nude body, and the curve of his thick, long cock before he dropped to his knees on the floor before me. It hadn't been nearly enough time for me to look my fill, but it had been enough for me to notice the silver metal balls just below the head of his cock. It looked painful and yet I had the strongest urge to put my mouth near it and flick my tongue against those little silver balls.

He didn't give me a chance to touch him in anyway. Not Quinton, this was his show and he was in charge of how this was going down.

His hands went to my thighs and he dragged me toward the edge of the couch. My butt was right on the edge of the seat. Quinton lifted my feet to the edge of the couch beside my body and spread my thighs wide, leaving me naked and exposed to his scrutiny.

"Quinton," I said in a hushed, embarrassed voice.

"Nope," he replied. "There's no hiding from me, baby. Not anymore."

His words sent a shiver down my spine and I wasn't entirely sure it was a good thing to be so exposed to Quinton, he'd never let me go back on it now.

He shoved his face in my groin and inhaled.

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