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"Jesus, what are you doing?"

"You smell so good," he groaned. "And you give off the most delicious heat I've ever experienced before."

His tongue flicked out and he dragged it through my wetness, making me shiver uncontrollably. My hand went to his hair and I weaved my fingers through it, holding on tight as his tongue flicked against my clit over and over again.

I writhed on the couch and tried to thrust my hips up at his mouth that was driving me wild, but he held my hips in place with his hands, holding me down.

Something inside of me was starting to build, trying to climb its way out, and I began to tremble as he kept at me with his mouth.

"Quinton," I whispered but could say no more.

My back bowed as pleasure surged through me, my orgasm finally set free. My body twitched under his hold as liquid heat pooled in my core and I cried out. I clung to his hair, holding him tightly to me.

His hands left my hips and my body fell limp against the couch. There was no reason to hold me down anymore, I was going nowhere.

He gently untangled my hand from his hair and I watched through half-lidded eyes as he wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand. I felt like I should have been bothered by that, embarrassed even, but I couldn't drum up enough emotion to give a shit. I felt boneless in a way I had only felt when I'd been with Dash before. Self-induced orgasms were alright, but they sucked in comparison to the ones other people could give you.

Quinton trailed a hand down between my breasts, his fingertips brushing over my skin in a gentle caress. It went down the middle of my stomach, past my belly button and stopped at my pubic bone.

"So fucking pretty," he whispered in awe.

I was glad he thought so. Still...

I reached out toward him and murmured, "Come here. You're too far away."

He let me pull him to my body as my legs fell down, my feet coming off of the couch and landing on the floor.

His lips came back to mine and he tasted different now. Sweeter, tangier. It was the taste of myself on his lips and there was a part of me that worried why I wasn't shocked or disgusted by the fact I was tasting myself for the first time, but oddly enough it didn't bother me in the slightest.

His fingers slid through my wetness, gently probing at my entrance. I sucked in a sharp breath as something soft, yet hard and hot brushed against me intimately.

"Does it hurt?" I asked. "Because of the piercing?"

He pressed a kiss to my lips as the head of his cock pushed inside my body.

"No, baby, it won't hurt. I'd never do anything to hurt you. You have to know that by now."

I did. I trusted Quinton completely.

I pulled his head back down to mine, and kissed with all the passion and love I had inside me for him as he slid inside the rest of the way.

Quinton held my face in his hands with his forehead pressed to mine in an incredibly sweet gesture as he moved inside of me. I lifted my thighs around his hips and wrapped my legs around him.

He looked at me with eyes full of love and devotion while he made love to me. Over and over again he moved inside me, just to draw back almost all the way out and thrust his hips back inside again. We were both panting and breathing heavily when my orgasm crashed over me for the second time. I cried out as it moved through me, tearing its way out. Quinton shoved his face in my neck and groaned as his hips stilled in their movements. We both came together and I held him tighter to my body, my nails digging into his back, likely leaving marks behind, maybe even making him bleed.

He nuzzled his face into my neck and sweetly whispered, "Love you, baby. So fucking much it scares the shit out of me."

Every time he said the words I wanted to snatch them out of the air and clutch them to my chest, never letting them go, like they were the most precious thing I had ever heard in my entire life.

"I love you too," I whispered back, and I knew they were words I would never get tired of saying to him, because the look they earned me in return wasn't something I would ever get tired of seeing from him.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Iraised my hand above the door and knocked softly. It was mid-afternoon and neither of them had yet to make an appearance downstairs. If they were sleeping, I didn't want to wake them up. I knew what it was like to have nightmares chase you all throughout the night, things you just couldn't seem to escape, no matter how hard and fast you ran.

Abel often times slept with the lights on because he couldn't sleep in the dark. Their parents had died in a horrible, terrible accident and both twins had been plagued by sorrow and nightmares ever since. It seemed worse for my Pepper twin.

Abel had horrible nightmares and avoided watching movies about water. He was traumatized by it because their parents had died in a plane crash that had gone down in the water. Lots of people had been eaten by sharks.

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