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Tyson went directly to the third door on the right and knocked lightly. The door opened in and he entered without hesitation. I, however, was all about hesitating before going inside. The problem with this was I couldn't hesitate because Tyson needed to close the door behind him and I didn't want to get shut out because that wasn't part of his stupid plan.

I hurriedly followed him into the room and quickly moved to the side so he could shut the door. I was impressed by how easily he ignored me standing there and told myself not to stupidly be hurt by it because he wasn't supposed to be able to see me.

When he shut the door he shut out the lights from the torch and inside the room was surprisingly dark and what I thought of as uninviting. Maybe it was just unappealing because I really didn't want to be here.

"Ty," a female voice rasped, and I winced. It was an incredibly sexy voice and itwasvery appealing.


"You're here," she rasped. "That didn't take you long at all."

"Annabell," Tyson greeted her but said no more.

She moved into the room and I got my first glimpse of her and the room around us. She had long, red hair that was glossy and thick and went all the way down to her hips. It was great hair and I already wasn't enjoying this. She was tall, maybe slightly taller than I was but incredibly thin. Her breasts were small, her hips almost nonexistent and I was pretty sure when she turned around her butt would be as flat as flat could get. Her legs, though long, were as thin as twigs and I imagined they might have looked great incased in a pair of high heels otherwise, but with no meat on them they might look in danger of breaking when she walked.

And, just like that, I no longer felt so bad about her having that beautiful head of hair or incredibly sexy voice.

I was skinny, too skinny and the guys were trying to fatten me up, but I would never look like that because my boobs were a whole lot bigger, my hips wider and my butt was most definitely not flat. And my thighs had some meat on them, they didn't jiggle or anything when I walked but they weren't exactly twigs either.

It wasn't exactly nice to pick out the differences between us and feel good about myself for them, I knew this but couldn't seem to stop myself from doing it.

She was barely dressed in some skimpy black nighty and I decided to ignore that and the implications since she had been the one to call Ty for this meeting and had had all the time she needed to get dressed beforehand and I decided to focus on her face.

I screwed my lips up tight to make sure I didn't accidentally make any noise as my eyes finally looked over her face for the first time. I had been avoiding it until then because I wasn't so sure I wanted to get an up close and personal view of the damage Quinton and Julian had caused her.

I shouldn't have worried.

She had the ruined half of her face covered with a mask that was entirely black and only had a hole for her to see through on it. It even covered up half of her mouth, hiding her ruined smile from view.

I wasn't sure if I was relieved or disappointed she'd hidden the ruined part of her away. I had seen it before in the mirror but up close and personal was a different experience all together. We both had scars on our faces now, the only differences were mine didn't cover half of mine and it hadn't been caused by one of my fellow witches.

"Come inside and we'll talk," she rasped as she took hold of his hand and pulled on his arm.

I cringed and was happy no one could see me because I was sure my face had a seriously unfriendly look on it. I didn't like her putting her hands on him anywhere, even if it was only to touch his hand. She'd long since lost the privilege of touching him or any of them, for that matter.

Tyson followed behind her silently as I moved around the room, taking everything in. The first room was much like a sitting room with a fancy looking couch and chair across from it. There was a table in front of the couch and a silver tea set on a tray on top of it. There were two cups instead of just one that let me know she'd been entertaining a guest. I stuck my finger in one of the cups and the tea was still warm, not hot but warm, and I knew she'd had that guest recently.

The hair on the back of my neck rose as a shiver raced down my spine. Something was off here, more than what we knew to already be off.

I left the sitting room, walked through the only doorway outside of the door that lead to the front porch and stepped into a bedroom.

Now this was certainly not where I wanted to be, or where I wanted Tyson to be with that dreadful woman.

The walls were painted a deep, rich green. The carpet was gray. The bed frame was a dark, cherry wood and Queen sized. The bed was covered with a green comforter and gold colored pillows and it was all mused up like someone had been sleeping in it... or doing other things in there. Whichever the case I didn't want to know.

Annabell was seated on the side of the bed with Ty standing in front of her, his hand still held inside hers.

This did not look good at all.

I thought she was interested in Damien now, not Tyson.

What was going on?

"Please," she murmured in her raspy voice and my eyebrows shot up and I wondered what it was I had missed while I'd been snooping around in the other room.

Tyson laughed as he tore his hand out of hers. His laughter was loud and not his usual laugh but more of a mocking one.

"I'd rather cut off my dick than have it go anywhere near you ever again," he said while still laughing at her.

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