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She sat forward on the bed and her face, what I could see of it, pinched angrily.

"There's no need to be crude, Tyson," she snapped at him, and I was happy to note the sexy rasp was gone.

Huh, I wondered if she'd been faking that this whole time and if she did it often when she was trying to get her way with a man.

Probably. She seemed the type to fake most things.

"Like you hitting me up for sex hadn't been a crude way to start things out here?" He asked her, and my middle moved back, like someone had struck me.

The invisible blow was not one I had been expecting. If she'd called him only to see if she could get him to sleep with her then I was going to be pissed. How outrageous. She really did think she was so great that she could simply waltz back into his life and get whatever she wanted out of him. She probably thought she could do the same thing with Damien and Julian.

Tyson gestured towards the bed then back to Annabell and her skimpy attire. "Especially when it looks like you've already been entertaining someone else tonight."

Oh, gag. She'd had sex with someone in that bed earlier tonight and now she wanted Tyson to crawl in there with her and get it on.

She laughed, high and delightful.

"Please," she said and the half of her face I could see curled up in a catty smile. "Like you really have a problem with that. All you boys share so nicely. Don't you do that with your precious little Ariel? I heard you're all mad with lust where she's concerned, and I bet you take turns in her bed just fine."

I wanted to smack that smug look right off of her face because she made my skin crawl talking about me like that, like I was a piece of meat that they just passed around between them when the mood struck them. I did not appreciate it all.

Tyson didn't seem to like it any more than I had.

"You stupid bitch," he leaned forward and snarled at her. "Don't talk about her like that, she's nothing like you are and is a whole lot more than the whore you're treated like."

"Now you're just being mean," she pouted at him.

That bad feeling came back to me and I looked around the room, looking for what I did not know but I felt like she was playing with him and I didn't understand why. I didn't understand why we were here and there had to be a reason for it.

I waved at Tyson urgently as I turned to walk back out of the room.

He caught the movement and frowned at me.

Annabell noticed him looking in my direction and asked, "What are you looking at? What's wrong with you?"


That wasn't good.

"I have something for you," Tyson said and I stopped walking back towards the sitting room and whipped around.

"Oh," she said coyly. "Tell me, is it something I'm going to like?"

Tyson laughed again, and my skin crawled at the sound. It was a horrible noise and a humorless one.

"No," he purred quietly, "but I'm going to enjoy it greatly."

She opened her mouth and he darted forward. Tyson stuffed a small brown packet into her mouth and held it closed with his hands.

She swatted at him and tried to fight him off, but he didn't even seem to notice.

"Holy crap," I breathed out.

What the heck was he doing? He'd just talked about Uncle Quint and the guys doing something equally horrible to that other woman and now here Ty was doing this to Annabell.

She clawed at his face and blood immediately started to ooze.

"Shit," I whispered as I raced forward to help him.

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