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"Who was trying to hide it from you?" I asked. "And, do you know what they did to her and why?"

"Damien," he said. "Uncle Quint and Julian. I guess they went to her house and shoved a liquid spell down her throat that took her voice away."

'What?" I whispered in horror. He couldn't have heard that right. "That's completely insane. They wouldn't do something like that to a person just because she smacked me across the mouth. That's... that's... I don't even know what that is other than crazy."

Quinton would do something like that, for sure. He was vindictive and spiteful and he could be all kinds of scary when he wanted to be. And he usually acted rashly and didn't offer an apology after the fact, he did what he wanted and even if it went bad he didn't usually seem to care. And he had virtually no moral compass to speak of. If he loved me the way Ty thought he did, and judging by the way he'd looked at me the other day, I was thinking Ty was right; he would so totally do something to mess that woman up for smacking me. He was just crazy enough to do it.

But the other two? I know Julian had warned me before not to cross him because he was capable of doing very bad things and I'd said at the time that I believed him but now I was thinking that I really hadn't. He was a healer. Weren't they supposed to frown on hurting people? Apparently not.

And, Damien? I didn't see him getting his hands dirty at all. Also, after spending some time with him I simply didn't think he'd do something so malicious and cruel to another human being. He was very sweet. As was Julian.

"They did it," Ty cut in to my thoughts to say firmly. "They do things like that all the time. Normally, I'm cool with it because I'm not a saint and I've done things before that I'm not proud of but this is what I'm trying to explain to you. About why we should be worried. That woman slapped you for calling her a shit name then they went and permanently stole her voice away from her as a punishment. Chucky trips you and calls you a freak show, which was not cool, by any means, and what does Uncle Quint do? He's got him vomiting up blood all over the place at school and falling in love with you. It's always something extreme with them. Always. There's no middle ground to stand on. I don't even care about this, I'm not saying I'm cool with it, just that I don't care enough to make a big deal out of it. But with Annabell and the Council being here it will become a big deal if they did something to hurt her."

"You think they'd hurt her?" I asked. "I mean physically."

"I think they are capable of anything," he shot back immediately. "When you grow up in a fucked up world of magic that we have where nothing is as it seems or is ever normal you learn how to be a certain way. It's inevitable. If they find out she's here and a potential threat then they will work to put a stop to that threat and they won't be careful with how they do it and they won't worry about hurting her, just putting a stop to what she might do."

Honestly, I wasn't seeing anything wrong with this. I was all for putting a stop to her before she could harm anyone any more than she already had. I was also all for putting a stop to her crooking her finger and having Ty come running. It was getting old really fast.

"The problem is," he said and I sighed. Oh boy, like we needed another problem. "The Council is trying to knock her up and anything that fucks with her they will destroy and they won't think twice. They can't be around her right now. And they can't know about any of this."

I got his message. Loud and clear.

"I get it, Ty," I told him.

"Good," he grunted. "So, it's you and me and we have to take care of this."

"Tonight," I said in agreement. Then, I asked, "Don't you think it's weird she wanted to meet at the motel when she's been coming here to meet up with you?"

"Yeah," he agreed. "It's weird, for sure. But, what was I supposed to do, tell her no and have her show up at the house? Or, worse, show up at Damien and Julian's house?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I agreed to drive out to the motel to avoid those things."

"Am I just supposed to walk up to the front door with you while you knock and we wait for her?" I asked. I mean, what else was I supposed to do? Wait in the car? That would be pointless for me to be going with him at all.

"Nope," he said cheekily. "I've got something special planned for you."

I sighed and didn't even bother asking him what it was he had planned. These boys enjoyed their secrecy when it came to me and it would likely be a wasted effort on my part to even ask, he wouldn't tell me until he was ready.

He flashed me one of his brilliant smiles and his eyes went back to the road, seemingly forgetting about me. I'd been right; he hadn't even attempted to explain himself to me.

We got close to the Motel and he slowed down and pulled the Audi off to the side of the road. I stopped the car and unclipped his seatbelt.

"Get out of the car," he said before opening his door and getting out himself.

The door shut on my stunned face and I immediately unclipped my seatbelt and my hand moved towards the handle on the door. He was there to open it for me and I climbed out.

"What are we doing out here?" I asked nervously. I looked around the dark road, seeking out anything suspicious and hoping whatever this was wouldn't take long so we could return to the safety of the inside of the car.

He pulled a crumpled up slip of paper out of the back pocket of his jeans and held it out to me. "Hold this." he said as he handed me the piece of paper. I took it from his outstretched hands and he kept speaking. "This is a spell that is going to make you invisible to anyone who isn't me."

I looked down at the piece of paper and asked, "Why not you too?"

"Because I will be here when you cast and you won't be able to hide from me. Thankfully, I will be the only one."

I bit my lower lip so I didn't open my mouth and tell him I didn't want to be invisible, I didn't think it was cool and I was really wishing I hadn't come along for this little journey.

I released my lip and mumbled, "Uh, Ty, I don't think-"

"Okay," he spoke over me. "I need you to clear your mind for me and push everything else but the two of us standing out here. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly, letting everything else go."

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