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I did as he ordered and breathed deep before slowly releasing it. It went fast for me because this was something I had been practicing for the last couple of weeks. It was Adrian who had me doing it and for some reason I had actually been working at it. The world around me brightened as all of my troubles slowly slid away.

I closed my eyes and simply let it all go.

When I opened them again, Tyson was looking at me in approval.

"Damn, girl," he muttered. "You're good at that. Fell right into the zone."

"What now?" I asked in a subdued voice. I didn't want to think too much and fall out of the "zone" as he'd called it. The more I tried, the more flustered I would get and it would get harder and harder for me to get back to my calm space so I could let it all slip away again and eventually, I would need to walk away from it because it wouldn't work at all. I had learned this in the beginning because I hadn't had patience for anything and had gotten frustrated easily and this is exactly what had happened when I did. I knew better now and I was ready to move on.

"Now," Tyson said, "I want you to spin counterclockwise in a circle three times. This is important and I need you to not go more than three times. No more, no less."

I nodded that I understood and went to move but he stopped me by putting his hand on my forearm.

"When you're done I will need you to read from the paper. Word for word. You'll feel something afterwards, something different and it will be the magic working. Don't be afraid of it, it's not going to hurt you."


Well, that sounded easy enough. I could totally do this.

But that didn't mean I wanted to.

He dropped his arm and took three steps back, away from me.

I closed my eyes, dropped my arms to my sides and blew out a deep breath. Then, I turned on my foot, moving left. I opened my eyes again so I would be able to tell when I had passed the same place three times and knew when to stop. My hair whirled around me as I spun in circles.

After the third time I stopped where I had started. I unfolded the piece of paper in my hand and immediately began to read the words written on it.

Gods and Goddesses of Light

Make me invisible of every sight

though they look, they shall not see

So mote it be.

My breath left me in a sudden rush as my body hummed with energy and a warm shaft of air blew past me. My body tingled from head to foot before burning out as quickly as it had come and then disappearing altogether.

I was left feeling lighter than I had when I started out.

"How do you feel?" Tyson asked me.

"Fine," I told him honestly. "Like I've lost weight or something. And, it would be really cool if my body would start to tingle again, it felt good."

"Christ," he muttered. "Don't talk about how good it felt to have your body tingling all over."

"Why?" I asked, not getting why he'd have a problem with that.

"Because," he said simply, "it makes me think about you coming and it's going to make my dick get hard and I really don't want a hard on right now. So, please, girl, if you could spare me of this tonight I would greatly appreciate it."

My face burned, so extreme was my blush.

"Um," I mumbled. "I don't think now's the time for us to be talking about your dick getting hard. Maybe never is a good time to talk about that. Maybe..."

"Please, don't say dick again," he said, and he sounded as if he was in pain.

Boy, I heard that one before from one of the guys.

I thought, since he brought it up and all, I might as well ignore my discomfort and mess with him a little bit. It seemed only fair.

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