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My eyes widened, and my body stiffened before I really had time to think about what I was doing. I forced my body to relax because I didn't want to make things awkward, which is something I had a habit of doing.

He lifted the corner of the blanket as his side brushed up against mine. He covered his legs with the blanket and twisted around. He grabbed a pillow and dropped it down behind his back. Then he went back for another one and repeated the process. He faced forward again and reached for a pillow by his feet. He picked that one up and this time he placed it behind my back before going back for another pillow and repeating the process.

When he had a decent pile of pillows behind the both of us, he sat back against them and sighed happily.

"Relax," he told me.

Relax, sure. It was easier said than done, but I had to give it a valiant try.

I copied him and laid back against the pillows he'd stacked up behind me. I squirmed around until I was comfortable, and I wrapped my arms around my middle over the blanket.

I was plenty warm, comfortable, stuffed full of good food, and watching a movie outside on a giant screen for the first time ever.

"Thanks, Damien," I whispered.

I was glad when he didn't ask me what I was thanking him for. Instead, he turned on his side and placed his arm on top of mine. He laced our fingers together as he pressed the side of his head into my shoulder. He made a happy noise in the back of his throat as he snuggled closer to me.

"You smell nice," he whispered. "Like cinnamon."

I didn't have the heart to tell him it was because I'd used Dash's shampoo and conditioner and I smelled nice because I smelled like him.

We weren't even a third of the way into the movie when his breath evened out and his body weight settled heavier on mine.

He'd fallen asleep.

I left him be, but I really didn't want to. I wanted to shake him and wake him up because I didn't want him to sleep through the scary parts of the movie. I needed him awake for those parts. Especially since we were outside!

The door opened quietly from behind us and my entire body froze. My breath caught in my throat and my entire body tingled all over with fear. I didn't move to look behind me, I couldn't. Not when I needed to pretend to be sleeping so whoever was behind us would maybe skip murdering us tonight and leave us be, hopefully moving on to the next poor unsuspecting victims. Horrible, I know, but I didn't want to die tonight, and I didn't want Damien to die either.

I stifled a scream as someone crouched down beside the rug and my body started to shake.

Oh, god. This was it. This was-

"Are you awake?" Julian whispered.

"Holy shit balls," I breathed out in a rush. "You scared me."

I pressed a hand to my chest that was beating double time and looked up at him.

He frowned down at me. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "It was not my intention to frighten you. I thought he would have told you there was chance I would be joining you two tonight."

"He did, but," I lifted my hand from my chest and waved it in the direction of the screen hoping that explained everything.

He chuckled and started moving pillows around. He arranged a small pile beside mine and started removing his shoes. Once he had his shoes off he picked up a blanket from where they were folded by my feet and shook it out much like I had done with my own.

He laid down next to me and flicked the blanket out over his body. He scooted over until his body was pressed up against mine and he crossed his arms over his stomach and the blanket, mirroring how I had been laying before I'd removed my arm to press it against my chest.

I placed my hand gently on his arm and he immediately grabbed my hand and threaded his fingers through mine.

"I hate these damn movies," he muttered.

"Have you seen it before?" I asked, and I guessed he hadn't, because he didn't like scary movies, and if Damien hadn't watched it then there had been no one to force Julian to.


"Then how do you know you don't like it?" I asked, honestly wanting to know but also wanting to give him a hard time.

"I like it when people die, and it makes me want to cry because I'm sad, not because I'm scared, and I heard something creak somewhere in the house and I just know we're all going to die."

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