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My mouth twitched in amusement. It wasn't me he was worried about getting scared, it was him. He made Julian, who, it must be noted, did not like scary movies at all, watch them with him because he didn't want to do it by himself. Because scary movies were, well, scary.

"And what did you pick that's ‘going easy?’" I asked as the screen flickered and words popped up.

"When A Stranger Calls." He said.

I shook my head as I started to laugh. That wasn't going easy at all. It wasn't a movie to watch when you were home alone at night time, it would freak you right out. At least, I knew it had freakedmeout. And I certainly wouldn't be babysitting, ever. No thank you.

"Are we talking the original, or the remake?" I asked him. Either were fine by me really.

"Original," he replied.

"You've seen it before, yes?"

There was silence for a beat, then, "No."


Then how did he know it would be going easy? That's probably why he'd gotten it wrong in the first place. Now I kind of wanted to know what movies he would have picked out if he was going all in, sink or swim, wanting to be scared out of his brain. Whatever that movie was, I wanted to watch it. Maybe I would get a chance to ask him after we watched this one.

"Are you hungry?" he asked as he sat down beside me on his own pillow.

I wasn't. But since he'd gone through the trouble of setting the whole thing up, the least I could do was humor him and ask. If it sounded good, then I could hopefully snack on it.

"What do you have to eat?" I asked, hoping it wasn't something gross, and that it was something I would actually like when I forced myself to stuff it down.

"Mini cucumber sandwiches, hummus and crackers."

I could eat that. Probably. I had never had a cucumber sandwich before, mini or otherwise, but I liked cucumbers, so I was sure I would like it. And I loved hummus.

"Sure," I told him, wishing I hadn't eaten dinner at home earlier.

As Damien reached behind him for the cooler and dragged it towards him I watched the preview on the screen. Weirdly, there was no sound yet, and I wondered if this was going to be a problem. I had never watched a movie outside before, I was excited to do so now.

Damien unearthed paper plates and napkins from the cooler and began to dish up our food. He put the cooler back and handed me a plate. I looked down at it and was glad to be with Damien and not Quinton or Dash or honestly any of the other guys at the moment, because if I was, they would have piled the food high on my plate in hopes of fattening me up. Damien was a different breed altogether. He put two very small (when he said mini he hadn't been joking around) sandwiches on there, five crackers, two sticks of celery and a small drop of hummus. I grinned at my food as I mumbled my thanks.

He sat his plate down beside him, which looked exactly like mine, by the way, and fished around in his pocket. He came out with a thin, silver remote. He twisted around and aimed it somewhere I couldn't see, and immediately the sound from the movie could be heard loud and clear.

"Cool," I muttered as I picked up a tiny sandwich. The bread was soft and fluffy, and the crusts had been cut away like we were five-year olds and wouldn't eat it otherwise.

"It is," he replied. "I bought it the other day when I figured out what I wanted to do with you on our first date, and I spent yesterday setting it up with Jules' assistance and figured out how the damn thing worked."

I ignored that and him as I focused on the screen and took a bite of my tiny sandwich. The cucumber was thin and crisp, the dressing tasted like cream cheese, garlic, and onion, and there was a hint to mayo in it. It was delicious, and I no longer cared that I wasn't hungry because I was going to eat both of those things.

I chewed, swallowed, and asked, "Julian made this?"

"Yeah," he said. "He made a bunch of them. Do you like it?"

I nodded and took another bite.

"They're one of my favorite things to eat," he told me, and I made note of it and everything I tasted, because if it was one of his favorites, then I wanted to learn how to make it. "He's a dick, though, and doesn't even have to try; cooking comes naturally to him. Even something as simple as making a sandwich taste good and he nails it."

Geez. Did that mean he couldn't even make a sandwich taste good? I certainly hoped not, but feared it might have been the sad truth. Poor Damien, if it weren't for his living with Julian, he would probably starve to death or eat fast food all the time.

We ate the rest of the food in silence as we watched the movie playing out on the screen before us. Before I knew, it my entire plate was empty save for a lone celery stick and some hummus. As soon as I set it down in my lap Damien snatched it up and took it away from me.

"Thank you," I murmured without taking my eyes off of the screen. We weren't anywhere near the action yet, but it had been a while since I watched it and I didn't want to miss anything.

"You're welcome," he said quietly before scooting closer to me.

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