Page 47 of F*cker Next Door

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Slade put the letter down, and his eyes were brimming with fucking tears. He was a full-grown man, and shit like this shouldn’t get to him. Trixie, Cassie’s mother, had fucked around with her daughter’s feelings, and he wasn’t about to hurt her like this.

He went to screw up the letter, but he could do it. He looked down at the last part again.

Who doesn’t want to sleep in another room because he misses your closeness, your warmth, your fire. I hope you have someone in your life who will love you until your dying breath, and still hold your hand, because he can’t stand to be alone.

It had been a long time since he’d gone to his own apartment, and slept alone. Even when her cycle had come in, and she’d said it was okay if he wanted to go home. He’d stayed, snuggled up against her, and rubbed her stomach until she felt better. He didn’t want to go through life without her in it.

Over the past few weeks, he had found himself craving Cassie’s company, and often went to find her. He knew how she took her coffee, and even some of the food she liked.

She was part of his life, and he never wanted to let her go.

The only question now was what the hell was he going to do?

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