Page 17 of Mountain Maid

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Plucking my case from the bed, I open my bedroom door, letting out a frightened squeak when a large body blocks my way.

“Where the fuck have you been?” Raymond growls.

I raise my chin. “None of your business.”

His eyes narrow as they land on my suitcase. “Going somewhere?”

“Again, none of your business.”

“Oh, I think it is my business when my sister stays out all night, sneaks in early the next morning, and tries to leave with a suitcase,” Raymond sneers, taking a step forward.

I hold my ground, refusing to let him intimidate me. “Fine. I’m leaving. I planned to call Harold once I was back at the cabin with Noah to let him know I wouldn’t be coming back. The house is in his name, so it’s up to him to run it now because I’m done here.”

“Jesus, you actually went and did it! You fucked some rich idiot for a ticket out of here,” he says in disgust. “Well, well, looks like little miss innocent ain’t so innocent anymore.”

“It’s not like that. I love him. Not that you’d know what love is. No woman wants a lazy hypocrite with no career prospects,” I bite back.

“Wake up, you stupid little cunt. He’s using you for sex. Once he’s tired of you, he’ll dump you like the worthless slut you are.”

Fury bubbles up my chest, almost choking me. “I work my ass off every day to keep a roof over your head,” I hiss, jabbing a finger into his chest, “and you treat me like crap. No more. Noah loves me and treats me like an equal. He’s made me realize I’m worth so much more than running around after you, catering to your every petty whim. Now, get out of my way because I’m leaving, and I hope to God I never have to see your worthless faces again.”

I shove past him, taking him by surprise. Despite my bravado, I’m shaking with nerves as I sprint down the stairs. I need to get the hell out of here. I reach the bottom of the stairs and throw open the door, heading toward my car.

Raymond comes barreling out after me, his face twisted with anger. “You’re not going anywhere. You don’t get to just up and leave. What the fuck are we supposed to do?”

I whirl to face him. “Ooh, let me think,” I say sarcastically. “How about… get a fucking job, you lazy, worthless piece of shit!”

I know I’ve gone too far when Raymond launches himself at me. I turn on my heel, intending to dive into my car, but he’s too quick.

He grabs my wrist and hauls me toward him. “Like I said, you’re not going anywhere. Without you, we have no income, no way to pay the bills or buy food.”

“Let. Go. Of. Me.” I enunciate each word clearly, despite the pain of his fingers biting into my flesh.

Raymond ignores me, getting up in my face and tightening his grip until my eyes water. “Make me.”

I don’t think. I swing the small suitcase as hard as I can, smashing him in the side of the head. He rears back with a grunt of pain, releasing me so suddenly I lose my balance and fall backward onto my butt.

Raymond recovers quickly, pressing his hand to the cut on his head and cursing as he sees the blood. “Bad move, sis,” he spits, advancing on me.

I scramble backward, but he grabs my legs, holding me in place as he pulls his fist back. I throw my arms up to protect my face and wait for the blow…

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