Page 44 of Blood Reign

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Furious as he was, Erik couldn’t deny she looked like a goddess sitting in that tub. Between the fire burning on the far side of the room, and the small spark stones placed around the room, her skin seemed to glow against the copper.

“What?” She asked, swallowing visibly.

He took a step forward, again. It took every ounce of his concentration to keep himself from diving into that tub with her. He cleared his throat, stopping less than a foot from her tub. “I asked if you were afraid of me.”

“Oh,” she exhaled. “No. I’m not.”

A strange shadow crossed her expression, and he drew in closer. Her cheeks were turning a brighter shade of pink, but she’d made no move to cover herself. She was afraid of him, he could smell her fear, and hear how her heart raced, but it wasn’t the same kind of fear he’d heard that night in the clearing.

He narrowed his eyes. “Do you want me?”

“I stabbed you,” she said, swallowing visibly.

“That you did,” he said with a shrug, perching at the edge of her tub, pushing his sleeves up his arms.

She wasn’t the first person to stab him while he raged, and he knew she wouldn’t be the last. His control was always precarious when it came to the people he cared about. When he saw her come out of that fire, he’d been out of his mind with worry. Her knife had kept him from crossing the line. She’d saved him from doing something stupid.

She arched an eyebrow. “You’re not mad?”

Erik laughed and leaned over her, propping himself up with one hand on the other side of the tub. “Oh, Starlight, it will take a lot more than that to make me mad.”

She laughed, but she’d barely moved. Her heart thundered just loud enough he could hear it without having to strain. “And you just…” she swallowed. “Do you often let your nobles get away with stabbing you?”

His answering smile stretched so wide it hurt his cheeks. He shook his head slowly and dipped his nose down to the side of her neck inhaling the sweet aroma of her skin. He wanted to lick every inch of her and drink every ounce of pleasure he could from her body.

“Who said you were going to get away with it?” He purred, dropping a kiss to the crook of her collarbone.

Shivering, she exhaled a shaky breath. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“There will be a punishment for what you did,” he said, chuckling. “And I have every intention of enjoying the sounds that you’ll make when I mete it out, you beautiful wicked woman. You made me lose control…so I think it’s only fair I spend the time to make you do the same.”

Her blood sang as it raced to the surface of her cheeks, and he was rock hard in an instant. He had to have her, no matter how angry he was, no matter how much she wanted to deny her wants and needs.

It took her a long moment to gather her wits, so he took advantage of the quiet, and trailed his fingers along the side of her neck, down over the swell of one breast, tracing the line of her heart vein.

She swallowed again. “And what punishment is that? What are you planning?”

He ghosted his nose along her jaw and whispered in her ear. “Endless pleasure.”

With the last word, he sealed his mouth over hers in a kiss, and his hand slid down her chest, down the soft skin of her abdomen, and down further until her back bowed, and she lifted her sex to meet his fingers.

Smiling against her mouth, he groaned and parted her silky flesh with his index and ring finger, using his middle digit to stroke that precious little knot at the apex of her thighs.

Mina whimpered, opening her mouth to him and his tongue devoured her. He’d have every one of those sounds. Every one of her cries. She’d never be satisfied in anyone else’s bed ever again once he was through with her. Just as he knew he’d never be satisfied with anyone else now that he’d hadher.

When he felt her desperation growing, he moved his fingers down her sex, scratching lightly along the lips. His middle finger slipped into her easily and she gasped, her fingers turning white around the side of the tub where she held her steady.

He curled it once, twice—

“No, stop,” she gasped, shoving him away from her. He pulled his hand out from between her legs, and leaned away, giving her just enough space to push up out of the tub and stagger across the floor towards the bed where a robe sat waiting for her.

He growled in frustration. “You can’t deny your needs, Mina.”

She whirled around to face him again, her eyes wide and livid. “I don’tneedyou.”

His control snapped and he shot forward, lifting her off the ground just enough that he could move her back and pin her to the wall beside the fire in a flash. He’d trapped her hands above her head, holding them both in one of his, and let the fingers of his free hand brush over her cheek. “Is that so? Your body says otherwise.”

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