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“What are you, Freya?” he pressed, not allowing me to change the subject or ignore what was really happening to me right now.

Disbelief raced through me. I wanted to refuse to accept what he was insinuating, but even now, my entire body was twisting so hard with desire that it was quickly becoming more painful than I could bear. I needed relief and I needed it soon, or else I felt like I was going to be torn apart from the inside out.

His fingers gently caressed my clit and then he slipped one single digit inside me and I clenched around him desperately. He purred, the sound low and enticing and my core tightened so hard that I keened from the aching sensation. Slick poured down my thighs as my body prepared to take his length and there was no doubt left in my mind after that.

Alphas didn’t respond to another alpha’s purr. Alphas didn’t have slick pour from their bodies, and they didn’t go into heat.

Omegas did.

Which could only mean one terrible thing.

“I’m an omega,” I whispered with horror, as it finally hit me. Sobs racked my frame and his fingers continued to explore me. I hated it. I loved it.

I screamed.

My world fractured. A part of me died inside and another piece of me flared to life.

“That’s right, little omega. You’re going into heat and you need my cock, don’t you?”

I wailed as he teased my clit and he purred once more, making my entire body answer to his call. More slick poured down my thighs and rampant desire amplified in my veins until I was nothing more than a panting animal that needed to be fucked.

He’d done this. He’d made me into this.

Now I wanted nothing more than to ride him into a pleasurable abyss. I needed to come, and I needed it as badly as I needed air to breathe. The sheer desperation inside me boiled over and nothing could quell it until he gave me every last inch of his cock.

“Please,” I pleaded.

“I want to hear you beg me for it, little omega. I want to hear you beg for the privilege to ride my cock,” he demanded, and I whimpered with misery. I was still bound and on display for him. He could see how much I needed him, that my pussy was swollen and throbbing just for him, over and over like the deafening drumbeat of my heart.

I didn’t want to give into these primal urges. My pride was still strong enough to win out, and I still felt the last dregs of it holding me back. I didn’t want him to know how far gone I was, but the more he teased my clit, the more I came to realize that very soon, it wouldn’t be up to me. Maybe it never was.

He teased me for what felt like forever. Then he went completely still. And that proved to be the worst thing of all.

Now that I had recognized what was happening, the heat rolling inside of me intensified. My fingers dug into the blankets beneath me and the chilly air from my fan overhead caressed my naked flesh. My clit pulsed heavily and my pussy clenched down hard. The knowledge that I was going into heat and the only thing that would stop it was alpha cock weighed heavy on me and it made me want it even more and I hated it. I was craving the inevitable and I didn’t want to.

My legs were spread. My pussy was on display. My head lolled to the side and I breathed in his scent. I couldn’t help myself as I lifted my hips, hoping he was staring at the place between my thighs. I hoped he was looking at the place where I needed him the most.

He was all alpha.

And right now, I was an omega. I couldn’t even feel the faintest shred of alpha left inside me.

I was something I never thought I’d become.

His fingers stayed ruthlessly still and because I was still bound, I couldn’t rub myself on his fingers to reach completion. Ferocious agony cut through me as my core twisted impossibly tighter, far more than I even thought possible. My skin burned. My insides felt like they were tearing apart with desire and pain and sensation too strong to bear.

I suffered through the throes of estrous alone, trying to hold onto the very last piece of my pride until that disintegrated in ash too. At that moment, I broke completely. I opened my lips and I finally said the words he wanted to hear.

“Please,” I begged. “Please, give me your cock.”

My face heated with shame as I lay there on my belly with my pussy clenching hard over and over in hopeless despair, aching to be filled with every inch of him. I wanted his knot. I was frantic for it.

His fingers still hadn’t moved. They were still pressed up against my pussy, touching me and teasing me even though they were entirely motionless. Honestly, I didn’t know how much more I could take. I needed release so very desperately.

“Please,” I begged. “Please, it hurts.”

Finally, he began to move. I felt his other hand untie my left ankle and then the other, before he moved to unbind my wrists. Quickly, he flipped me over on my back and took a step back, watching me as I gazed back at him. I pressed my legs together, suddenly ashamed for my behavior even though I still needed him so badly.

I whimpered, feeling my freshly punished backside press firmly against the surface of the bed. It ached painfully and I rushed to touch the backs of my legs, still feeling the welts from the belt marking my thighs. For some reason, although it should make me angry, it only managed to make me even hotter than before.
