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“Spread your legs,” he demanded.

I was horrified at myself when I did.

His palm pressed against my naked pussy and he slapped it, hard. My hips rolled, trying to avoid another painful strike, but then he did it again, three times in quick succession. It hurt, but my belly roiled with arousal and when his fingertip just pressed against my entrance, I tried to twist my hips in a way to force him inside me.

“You still think you’re in control, don’t you, little alpha?” he questioned.

“Please,” I begged.

Wetness seemed to pour out of me, soaking the sheets beneath me, and I moaned as my body rolled, aching for something although I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t want to think about it any further because I was afraid of what it might mean.

I didn’t want to figure out what I actually wanted because I was terrified that I wanted his cock, that I wanted him to fuck me.

He gripped the cloth of my thin chemise and tore that too. He ripped it into shreds and used a piece of it to bind my wrists. He gripped one ankle and then the other, before spreading me wide and tying each ankle to the bedposts with the remnants of my nightgown.

His palm returned to my pussy and he spanked it hard for what felt like forever. He held me still with one hand on my lower back, while the other continued to punish my wet, sensitive flesh until it was sore to the touch. It was painful to even press myself against the bed and I tried to lift my hips so that it wouldn’t hurt as much, but the belt whipped my bottom again.

My pussy spasmed with need and more of my arousal pooled beneath me.

Naked and on display, I’d never felt more out of control in my life. My body was getting hotter and hotter, the arousal spinning through me with growing intensity with every passing second, and the wetness between my legs was quickly soaking the bed. I wanted to feel relief. My skin itched with need and my fingers curled into my palms, pressing hard enough to ache, but nothing could have quelled the rampant urges that were developing with terrifying speed inside me.

I was petrified that I knew what was happening and I pushed it away with everything in me.

It couldn’t be. I couldn’t want this.

The belt continued to fall, relentlessly painful and I sobbed. The tears fell with wild abandon and nothing could stop them.

Nothing but Aric’s cock.

My body burned with need. I panted and cried, and his palm returned to my pussy, only to punish it once again. The sound of his hand spanking my pussy was embarrassingly wet and I shuddered with shame at the same time I wailed at the painful ache. My inner walls fluttered hard and his fingers teased my clit one more time.

Over and over he teased me, leaving me cruelly on the edge of release. Orgasm felt so close each and every time, but then he would take his fingers away only to slap my pussy once more, driving me insane with pleasure and pain the more he tortured me.

With every last breath, I fought the only possibility for all of this with everything that I had. My clit throbbed with need and my core twisted harder and more painfully than ever. I didn’t know how much longer I could survive this. Everything hurt. I was incredibly aroused. I was so impossibly wet, and I didn’t want to accept what all of this might mean.

“It can’t be,” I sobbed.

“What’s happening, little alpha?” he asked.

“There’s no possible way,” I whispered.

“Tell me, Freya,” he demanded gently. “What’s this between your thighs?”

His fingers traced down my legs, gliding across the rampant wetness that was gathered there. I was so soaked that there was only one possibility for what it was. I wailed, digging my fingers into the sheets beneath me, before I finally answered him.

“It’s slick,” I whispered forlornly. My hips twitched and rolled against his fingers. He wasn’t teasing me anymore and I came to the sickening conclusion that I was doing it to mys


“Why would an alpha be so wet with slick?” he pressed, and I screamed into the blankets. There was no question of what this was anymore. I could fight it all I wanted, but that wasn’t going to stop this. This was estrous. I was going into heat. I could feel my alpha fading away and another presence inside me coming to life.

“Because,” I began, but I couldn’t finish the thought. I screamed again, not wanting to continue.

“Why are you this wet, Freya?” he pushed, his voice far too calm.

“Because I’m going into heat,” I sobbed. Tears raced down my cheeks and everything in me fought against what he was saying.

“Please, make it stop,” I begged.
