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“Show yourself to me, omega. Show me where you need every last inch of me,” he said, cocking his head to the side. My eyes glanced down to his waist, taking in the long length of him still hidden by his dark pants and I licked my lips. His hand dropped to stroke along his shaft and I shivered hard, licking my lips as he did so.

Delicious and terrible agony raced through me, pleasure so strong that I was beginning to doubt that it could ever be quelled. I feared I was doomed to feel this way forever.

Fuck. Why was that so hot? Why did I want him like this?

I couldn’t stand it. I felt like I was becoming something less than human, a feral being driven solely by the need to breed and the unquenchable desire to feel his knot deep inside me.

I had no other choice. Slowly, I spread my legs, revealing my wetness to him.

“Your pretty little pussy is still bright pink from your spanking, little omega. Not only that, sweet girl, but you’re soaked for me, just waiting to be fucked good and hard, aren’t you?” he observed, cocking his head to the side as he moved a bit closer and studied my needy flesh.

My chest heaved up and down. I panted, trying to draw in air, but the only thing I could think about was feeling his enormous length spearing into me for the very first time. He growled this time and I doubled over in pain and immeasurable desire, my core tightening hard in response to his dominance.

“Are you in control, little omega?” he asked.

“No, alpha,” I whimpered, keeping my legs spread open wide.

“Will you decide when you’re granted the privilege of my cock, omega?” he questioned, leaning over me as he said it. His scent hit me, and I trembled as I waited.

“No, alpha,” I whined, lifting my hips toward him in hopes he needed me too. “Please fuck me,” I begged, hoping against hope that he would give me what I needed now.

“The scent of your slick is so very enticing, little omega. You’ve soaked your nest and soon, you’re going to soak every last inch of my cock, aren’t you?” he whispered into my ear, tickling the hairs of my neck as I quivered beneath him. His fingers curled around my throat, reminding me of his power and the fact that he had rendered me into a wet, needy little mess that craved him in a way I’ve never wanted anyone else ever before.

I wanted to come. Badly.

I heard him reach down and free his cock. I felt his long length press against my wetness, and I thought he was going to slide it inside me, but instead, he cruelly gripped my wrist and pulled me up, forcing me off the bed and up to my feet.

“Get down on your knees. You’re going to show me just how much you want it with that pretty little mouth,” he demanded.

Slick dripped down my thighs. My core tightened helplessly.

I couldn’t wait much longer. I needed to feel him inside me. I’d gone into estrous and the only thing that would quell the heat rampaging inside me was his cock thrusting in and out of my freshly awakened omega pussy.

“Please,” I pleaded. He didn’t answer. I moaned in misery and shame, shaking with hopelessness as I obediently followed his instructions even though it was the last thing I wanted.

I knelt down in front of him, swallowing nervously as I peered up at him, taking in the sight of his length for the very first time. He was enormous and for a long moment, I was incredibly worried that he wouldn’t fit inside me. His cock was so hard that I could see a vein pumping with blood along the side and there was a part of me that wanted to touch it. The head of his dick was thick, and a small slit at the top dribbled with a droplet of his own pre-cum. Tentatively, I reached for him and gathered that drop with my finger, pressing it between my lips and onto my tongue.

It was salty and sweet, and I lost control of myself for a brief second as my eyes rolled back in my head. The taste of him was almost more than I could bear as my arousal intensified even further. His fingers wound around the back of my scalp and he pressed himself against my lips. Obediently, I opened my mouth and he pushed inside me. At first, my throat protested his thick girth and I had to force myself not to push back away from him even though I desperately wanted to.

He pushed even further into my mouth and I choked, gagging several times until I made myself relax. He growled softly in warning and I tried hard to take him without complaint, but it was hard, and I???d never done this before. He didn’t allow me long to get used to his size, and before I knew it, he took control completely. He thrust in and out of my mouth, using me for his own pleasure. His hand wound around my head and held me in place as he thrust even more deeply into my mouth. He didn’t give me a choice. He just took what he wanted.

I swirled my tongue around his length, trying to suckle to the best of my ability and show him that I needed him, but he wasn’t looking for any of that. Instead, he wanted to show me that he could master me with every long inch and that even though I desperately wanted him to fuck me, he would be the one who decided when I’d earned it.

“You wanted my cock, omega, and you’re going to take it however I decide to give it to you, whether if it’s in this pretty mouth or that tight little omega cunt,” he growled and my pussy spasmed convulsively with need.

I rocked back and forth, imagining that I was riding him while he used my mouth for his own pleasure. It hurt as he used me, and I could feel my tears beginning to fall again. Out of everything he’d done to me tonight, this was the thing that left me feeling out of control the most. Down on my knees before him, I felt so incredibly small and so far from the alpha I’d been just hours ago, and it made me even wetter. It made me want him even more.

I sobbed, my heat burning through me with tumultuous agony that threatened to consume me from within. I bobbed my head back and forth, so desperate for relief that I made myself take him even deeper down my throat. I swallowed around him, hoping against hope that this would be enough, that this would show him how much I wanted him, that I couldn’t stand the thought of being denied the very thing that I needed the most.

I didn’t care that the wet sounds of my sucking of his length were so very shameful. I no longer cared that my thighs were soaked with omega slick.

I’d devolved into an animal that needed one thing and one thing only. I needed to be fucked.

I swirled my tongue around him. I swallowed hard around his thick girth and when he finally rewarded me with a groan of pleasure, I tried even harder. I put my entire body into it. I lifted my hands and traced my fingers under the base of his cock, teasing him with gentle touches until I grew bolder. I fondled him until his grunts of pleasure grew more urgent and still, I didn’t stop.

“That’s it, omega. Suck my cock and show me how much you want it,” he demanded, and I did. I sucked him until I keened with my own desperate agony, feeling his thick length throb against my tongue and still I didn’t stop. I ran my tongue up and down the length of him, taking every inch down my throat until he growled loud with pleasure. My core cramped in misery as a rush of slick poured down my thighs and I swallowed with need around him.

He roared and I screamed around his shaft, feeling his hot seed spurt deep into the back of my throat, marking my mouth as his. I did my very best to swallow even as his cum rained down the back of my throat.
