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I tried to push all of it away, but it simply seemed to grow stronger and stronger until it felt like it was a part of me.

It almost felt like instinct.

Except it couldn’t be. It wasn’t possible.

He gave me no time to think about it any longer. His palm cracked hard against my backside again and again until I was so incredibly sore. My skin felt like it was burning with fire and my thighs ached, but he didn’t slow down. Instead, he spanked me even harder and I was unable to keep quiet any longer.

I begged him to stop. I begged for mercy. He gave me none.

“Are you feeling in control right now, little girl?” he asked carefully, taking a moment to thoroughly spank the backs of my thighs so hard that I had difficulty answering him until he paused. My entire backside burned hot, and I whimpered loudly with how very much it hurt.

“No,” I mewled.

“Good. Then we are just getting started,” he replied.

He spanked me even harder after that. He didn’t say anything more,

simply punishing me far more thoroughly than I ever could have expected. It didn’t seem like it would ever end. My breath hitched in the back of my throat and I tried to swallow down my noisy cries of pain, but I couldn’t. It wasn’t possible, no matter how hard I tried.

The moment I realized I was going to cry over this man’s knee, I broke a little inside. My core twisted hard and I whined in pain, a senseless surge of desire racing through me even as I lay over his knees, my bottom bare and so incredibly sore.

This was wrong. This shouldn’t be happening, but nothing I could do would make it stop and once that realization fully settled on me, it was the beginning of the end of me.

When the first tear fell, I wailed in defeat. When the second fell, I moaned with arousal, feeling the rampant wetness gliding down my thighs as I tried to avoid the painful bite of his palm.

The tears began falling faster and my body went slack, the fight subdued in me as I tried to grapple with being forced over his knee and punished until my bottom was this sore. He grasped me about the waist and deposited me on my belly in the middle of the bed. I turned my head, pressing my palm to my mouth in an effort to quiet my sobs, but at the same time, I watched as he unclasped the thick belt. He slid the thick leather through the loops of his pants and folded it in his hand.

It hung ominously by his side and I swallowed hard, anxiously watching it swing back and forth.

He held me in place with a single hand on my lower back. Carefully, he released me, only to reach in between my legs with those fingers.

“So very wet for me, Freya,” he observed, and I moaned with shame. “It’s dripping down onto your thighs now. I think there’s a part of you that’s enjoyed this.”

He laid the folded belt on top of my ass and just held it there.

“Tell me. Why are you so wet, Freya?” he asked expectantly.

“I don’t know,” I whined. I reached back, feeling the heat emanating from my punished backside and his touch returned to my clit, circling and pressing harder than before. I was so ashamed that my body seemed to react of its own accord. I couldn’t stop the way my hips ground against his fingers and I desperately wanted to.

Why was I like this? Why did I want him to touch me at the very same time I didn’t?

I felt so hot, so feverish with need and it was so unfamiliar that I didn’t know how to handle it. The need for more was impossibly strong, and so heavy that for a moment, I wondered if it was charged by instinct. I sincerely hoped that it wasn’t.

“It’s time you learned how very much you’re out of your element now, Freya,” he murmured, and the warm leather of his belt pulled away from my skin. I chewed my lip and pressed my forehead into the bed, fully relinquishing the fact that he was going to stop when he decided I had enough and not a moment before.

I heard the belt cut through the air before it connected with my naked backside. Immediately, a blazing brand etched across my tender flesh and I keened.

“No. Please,” I begged.

“You know already what’s happening to you, don’t you, little alpha?” he said darkly, and my hips lifted to meet the next painful lash. “Even though you protest, your body is bowing to my alpha. You’ve spread your thighs for me. You’ve been raising your hips in acquiescence of your punishment and even now, you’re displaying yourself for me as I whip your defiant little bottom with my belt.”

“No. I’m not,” I protested. My voice carried with it an air of panic and fear that he could be right about everything he was saying.

“You are, Freya. I could spank that little pussy bright pink and still, you’d continue to spread your thighs for me, wouldn’t you? Even though it would hurt?” he observed.

I shook with shame. This couldn’t be. I couldn’t want these things. I was an alpha. I should be fighting him every step of the way, but instead, here I was lying on my belly waiting for the next terrible strike of the belt.

He whipped me hard and fast ten times in a row, lashing my bottom and the backs of my thighs. The tears came faster and before long, I was sobbing into the sheets.
